Powerful people data for enterprises.
Evan Staller

WePool — Powerful people data for enterprises.


WePool is a data science company offering APIs and flat files for people intelligence. Use our products and associated database of 1.2 billion unique person records to build enriched or new person profiles into your apps, products, and tools.

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Joe Brown
I'm not sure why someone would want to build the same product 5 times with different names... https://datawhale.io https://peoplebasis.com https://listchirp.com https://brainmilk.io and now https://wepool.io
@cuhpajo You are absolutely right, what's going on with that, @evanstaller?
Thanks for hunting @evanstaller please tell us more about WePool's mission 🙂
Evan Staller
@abadesi WePool's mission is to help companies create a single truth of information when it comes to their people data. We've built a highly accurate dataset of roughly 1.2 billion unique people to accomplish just that. By providing both historical and current information on people, companies can better understand many facets of their business from HR to better serving their customers.
Lyubov Gurieva
Hi, @evanstaller! How long have you been working on WePool?