David Barnard

Weather Atlas - 10 Day Forecast + Live Weather Maps


With forecasts and weather maps at a glance, Weather Atlas provides a beautifully balanced view of the weather. US-only (for now anyway)

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Gabe Grimley
The UI of this app is fantastic. The little things are done exactly right. I'll be using it with ads for a few days to determine if it'll replace Dark Sky as my weather app.
Ben Scheirman
You sure got a hell of an app store promo shot from Hurricane Harvey!
Ben Scheirman

Instantly bought the pro subscription. Made a spot on my home screen for at least the foreseeable future. Well done!


Great UI, modern/native design. Helpful to have 10-day forecast and satellite imagery in one app.


Satellite animations could be a bit smoother. Map panning is slightly laggy on my iPhone 7.

Luke Seeley

Most of my friends live in Canada, so I can't recommend it to them :-(


Looks great!


Not in Canada

Justin Stanley
looks great. will check it out once it's available in Canada, eh.
Gabe Grimley

The UI is great, and being able to customize the icons used in the app is a great little bonus. Clean widget for current weather; daily and hourly available to paid users only.


UI is fantastic; Customization is a bonus.


Subscription-based paid version

Derek Bytheway
My only suggestion is that you add the ability to add favorites from the edit view. Other than that I love the UI, similar yet somehow much different than what you usually see and I think you did a good job.
Ronny Haase
Would love to see it available in more countries