Stephan Sann

Document Archiver - Archive all your documents in a clean and consistent way


Document Archiver utilizes a consistent way to store different kind of files in a defined folder structure by using a fixed file naming pattern. This makes it possible to retrieve them later fast and easy by description, tags or date (browser included).

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Thats a pretty cool product! Would be awesome if you do small product video that people know how it works :)
Stephan Sann
@robinkunz Thanks for the kind words πŸ™πŸ» I already thought about creating a video. Anyhow apart from that: Is there something within the app that isn't clear? (Should be part of the video.)
@stephansann - how does it work / live with the normal windows 10 explorer / apple finder? Is it a standalone program or built into the explorer? - how is the normal workflow? You scan a document and have a pdf in desktop or download smth to your computers download folder. Whats now? What are the next steps? Hope that helps :)
@stephansann And also improve the visual elements (ui / logo). Those are the most effective ways to create value. Its so easy to do. Just as a small tipp :)
Stephan Sann
@robinkunz Ups - I thought the homepage would be more clear on this (apparently not). Document Archiver is a standalone application and has no connection with Explorer or Finder. You can however use Explorer and/or Finder to retrieve the archived documents - they are regularly files (but now with a name that actually helps while retrieving).
Stephan Sann
After struggling for years to find a good folder structure for all of my files, I had an epiphany when I saw the GitHub project "PDF Archiver". The underlying idea to store PDF files with a fixed naming pattern in a single space (which works cross-platform), including date, description and tags, convinced me. So I created an app that works for all file formats and runs on all mayor platforms (Linux, macOS and Windows) - Document Archiver. See https://document-archiver.github... to learn how it can help you to get a handle on your multitude of documents with ease 😊
Such document archiver is most needed
Stephan Sann
@vivekweb2013 I am happy you think this way :-) I hope Document Archiver will help you like it helped me. For me it even evolved to a tidy-up tool since I added a "delete file" button. Now cleaning up my downloads-folder (which was a mess before) is a breeze.
Cory Macculloch
Would be great if it could be deployed on Google Drive, One Drive or DropBox
Stephan Sann
@cory_macculloch Not sure I understand your suggestion right. These are online storage spaces. One cannot deploy applications there. Anyhow what you can do is mount these storage spaces as local directories (or - in case of Windows - drives) and you can set your archive directory in Document Archiver to such a mount point. This way your archived documents will be saved to the cloud seamlessly. Does this help?
Cory Macculloch
Hi @stephansann, thank you for taking the time to respond. I understand. It would be great for future iterations of the product if you could deploy on online storage places. I understand the work around of mounting the storage spaces to a local directory on one device and then having that synced to the cloud... but I wonder whether that would work for people who save files from multiple device (including mobile applications). Overall great product though, and keep it up!