Waterful is a fresh take on water reminder apps. With multiple healthy challenges to take, friendly notifications to follow & our cute octopus to keep you company, staying hydrated becomes fun.
Water you up to, PH? ❤️
Super excited to share Waterful! — our fresh take on the world's most boring yet essential activity, drinking water.
You've probably heard of 8 cups of water a day. We all have. Odds are, you probably don’t drink enough though - 80% to be exact.
Water is pretty crucial to your brain function. It boosts your energy, detoxes your body and helps keep your weight in check, among a bunch of other very neat things. That’s quite a list of achievements for something that comes out of the kitchen tap. Yet, studies show that 8 out of 10 people don’t drink enough to benefit from all that goodness water has to offer.
Waterful is your opportunity to spoil yourself with proper hydration and beat the odds 🙌.
So, we’ve been aware for a while how essential proper hydration is in dieting, mental health, fitness, beauty & overall well-being. But when we tested various hydration apps, they turned out to be impersonal & a bit joyless.
Clearly, we couldn’t let that continue. That’s why when we were making Waterful, one thing was clear as the freshest H2O. It had to have a soul and be fun. And then we thought, “what if your water reminder app was more like Tamagotchi?”
That’s how Waterful was born - a fun and friendly assistant that turns the mundane task of drinking water into a fun habit. Here’s how:
🐙 Unique app hero
Our adorable hydration coach cheers you on & keeps you motivated
🥇 Exciting Challenges & Unique Badges
Challenge yourself to various healthy habits - cool badges await
⏰ Reminders when you need them
Won’t interfere with your work or sleep. Will seamlessly complement your routine
📈 Motivational Stats
Clear & meaningful way to stay motivated and on track
🎯 Personalized daily goal
Takes gender, weight, activity level & even current weather into account
☕ Wide Catalog of Drinks
Accounts for how different drinks hydrate you
💸 Everything is 100% free
Just like water ;)
One more thing ;)
We are based in Lodz, the most water-friendly city in Poland (https://www.euronews.com/2012/06...). It’s known for social campaigns encouraging sensible water use, active lifestyle, & highlighting the importance of proper hydration
Also, many thanks for the hunt, @chrismessina 🙌
This is our first PH launch 😱, We hope you give it a try
Thanks to everyone for your support. Please give me any feedback or any questions you have about the project and I would love to answer them.
@chrismessina@milof Hands down the best hydration app I’ve used. The cute octopus on the ios home screen adds massive value to the tracker. Any plans to integrate Healthkit, though?
- Personalized daily goal
- Non-intrusive reminders
- All features free
- The octopus!!
- Multiple ways to log a drink
- No Apple Watch app :sli
Hey @zedzik! Glad you like Waterful. Happy to say our Apple Watch app is ready to go! 🔥 You can find it in the store (I can't add links here, I'm afraid)
Sure 😃 Your daily goal obviously differs if you exercise or if the sun beats down.
So we took that to heart, researched the recommended amount of water per person, and made Waterful automatically adjust each user’s daily water intake goal to their activity, gender, weight, and even weather conditions.
Love the idea of having a fun avatar to engage users, and taking into account hydration levels of different drinks. Curious if you plan on adding social aspects for friendly competition between friends and how this compares to something like water llama?
@devin_alldrit1 Love your suggestion! Social aspect = another motivating factor. We don't have that on our to-do list yet, but we'll definitely consider it.
@devin_alldrit1 we'd love to add social stuff, there are some other features we need to deliver first though
check out the "coming soon" section https://waterfulapp.com/
@benoit_chambon Many thanks for leaving feedback :) Waterful will definitely benefit your sport sessions 💪 Can't wait to hear how you feel about the app in a few days!
Just checked it out and it looks really nice!! Only a few tiny suggestions:
I love the onboarding and the sense that you are building a plan for me, but it wasn't entirely clear what the water icon meant (eg. was it supposed to be the amount I currently consume?)
You are almost there during the onboarding at fully convincing me of me being given a plan that is right for me, however it seemed as if you whatever I entered in the current consumption field you were going to a higher target. I think there needed to be some analysis there to say: "Hey Max, 2l per day is not bad but 4.4l is what you need based on your body in order to keep your brain ticking over, tackle premature ageing..."
All the animations and colours and super fun, big fan. The only super tiny nitpick is that the achievements section doesn't have rubber band scrolling for some reason.
@maxbeech Love your feedback 👏 Seriously, many thanks for wonderful ideas and specific examples of how we can improve the onboarding and the flow in the app!
@pstro_zabijucha I knew this question would pop up! 😅 Heh, here’s the thing: tracking hydration is so damn boring. We thought that In order to make a habit stick, we first had to bring joy to this joyless activity. Hence, the friendly octopus, various challenges, and badges to unlock. Give it a try, it’s fun!
It's truly wonderful. Changed my drinking habits. I fell much better than before, as I used to fell dehydrated quite often. Never again!
The app itself is thoughtfully and beautifully designed. Using it is really enjoyable!
It's a great product! At least now mom doesn't have to call me in every 2 hours reminding me to drink water, and it's all on the cute little octopus now :)
@rashikaahuja So happy our friendly octopus can help you and your mom! Please remember that you can freely customize the reminders to your daily schedule ;) Cheers!
It looks clean, you've packed a lot into this app! I really like the ability to be able to add specific drink types; this will be very helpful on days where you know it isn't just water. Be cautious you don't try to do too much with this, you guys are on the right track! :)
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