Eddie Cohen

Walden - The best meditation cushion on earth.

Walden designs and manufactures beautiful objects to inspire people to live mindfully. Our first product is a meditation cushion that is handcrafted in NYC using the best materials in the world.

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Ryan Hoover
Of course you don't need a cushion to meditate but things like this can be strong external triggers to remind people to do so and build habits.
Eddie Cohen
Hey all! I'm the founder of Walden. I hope you enjoy our product, brand, and mission. Let me know if you have any questions! Fun Fact: We've created over 50 prototypes to arrive at this design. Even Funner Fact: I ruined my house's blender by blending latex in the early days for an early experiment.
Mona De Frawi
People don't realize how helpful meditation cushions can be to your meditation practice. Sitting with your sitz bones on the cushion and the front of your pelvis slightly off the cushion, allows your sacrum to be at the proper angle for alignment within the entire spinal column. The spine works as an antennae, both to transmit and receive energy, which is key as meditation synchronizes the brain and allows the entire Central Nervous System to align, ground, release stress, heal and optimize. When we sit on the ground, the sacrum is usually flat, and the hip flexors on the front of the hips are tight and will be screaming at you the entire time you're trying to quiet the mind and move into the state of consciousness above everyday intellectual functioning, that place without words. The cushion's alignment of the sacrum also releases the hip flexors, and facilitates the quiet of the mind much faster and easier. And it allows the newly created synchronization and quiet to flow all the way to the tailbone and through the legs to literally ground us. There is a reason people have meditated sitting upright for centuries - to align the spine within the electromagnetic field of the earth, and optimizing our field within it. The right equipment enhances every "sport".
Mona De Frawi
@eddiecohen I've been using the same meditation cushion since 1997! I'm delighted to see someone is innovating in this space. As our society has increased its technology and intellectual functioning, meditation is ever more important.
Eddie Cohen
@monadefrawi :) time for a new one!!
Spencer Penn
Cannot praise the product or it's creators enough. Great job guys!
John Palmer
I got the all black cushion last month, and it’s great. I didn’t even have a cushion before, and I didn’t realize how much better it makes meditation. It also looks great in my apartment.
Joseph Cohen
Love mine. It’s even better in person than it looks online.
Marcus Molchany

i use my walden every morning


incredibly comfortable, perfect height, and it's made of really great materials.



This cushion can be used in so many ways but is not advised for meditation. No pillow is advised for meditation. your seat and feet all should be at the same level on a flat non-malleable surface. This startup wants to cash on people's craze for yoga and meditation.
Eddie Cohen
@doctapas hey. Of course you don’t need a cushion, but it’s helpful. I’m not sure why you think that no cushion is advised for meditation. Cushions have been used for hundreds of years in Zan Buddhism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zafu
Mané Karen
Sona Madoyan
I am gonna try it
Jack Smith
@eddiecohen please can you clarify the return policy and how the 30 day trial works? it says "Try it for free for 30 days.", but then provides zero details on what that means. the shipping+returns page of your site isn't live any more: https://walden.us/pages/shipping... but according to the archived version it says "Free shipping and returns." - is that still correct? https://webcache.googleuserconte...
Eddie Cohen
@_jacksmith Yes, that's correct! I'll fix that. Thanks for pointing that out.
Eddie Cohen
@_jacksmith We have a no-questions asked 30-day return policy.
Jack Smith
@eddiecohen thanks for the fast clarification. i'll test it out!
Red and White Fleet®
@eddiecohen Can you provide some more details on the product and why this is a must-have for my meditation practice? Might be a good idea to add some of those details to the website too :)
Eddie Cohen
@redwhitefleet a meditation cushion is helpful because it helps keep your back straight, which makes you more alert for your meditation. It's also helpful as a commitment device--as a dedicated object for meditation.