RS Raghavan

Vmaker Learners Hub - Learn new software skills from tailored videos

A free platform that has the best tutorials for different software hand-picked from YouTube.
Learners can now find the best videos without having to scroll through multiple videos and creators can increase their video reach for their content.

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RS Raghavan
Hello PH Fam πŸ‘‹ Elon Musk once said, all the information we need to learn is available on the internet for free. It is true that in today’s internet era, we can learn everything from the internet. But the problem here is identifying the right content that delivers great value. Today, there is so much content available out there, that most of the time we end up missing the best one. We have taken step one so that you don’t get lost in the myriad of content. At Vmaker, 50% of our customers are from the education industry and based on their feedback and help, we have created Vmaker Learners Hub. You will find handpicked videos to learn about different software from the internet available here. You can go to the website, select the software and start watching the best videos available under the same without having to search for them. This will help you focus on learning directly, cutting down the preparation part by 80%. We will be adding more software tutorials and soon will host exclusive materials on our hub. If you are a creator, please feel free to submit your video tutorial for existing or new apps you would like to see on the platform. Looking forward to your feedback to make the platform better each day πŸ™Œ
Karthik Subramanian
I think this is a fabulous idea. I often wonder why do people spend thousands of dollars on MBA courses, when all they need is already available on the internet for free. Seriously! (And, not to mention the amount of debt that makes banks richer!) But, I guess the challenge here is in curating the different courses that suit different learner personas and ambitions. On that note, this is going to be immensely helpful for learners who're looking for cherrypicked courses for their education. Fab work Team Vmaker, keep rolling it!
Rangarajan Nallappa
@karthik_subramanian Absolutely agree to your point Karthik. There is so much of content for free on the internet. I could say that's also another problem we are here to solve. People are just confused where to start, which content to rely on etc. I am sure this Learners Hub is going to be the one where they can find the right tutorial videos to learn about a product. Thank you once again @karthik_subramanian :)
Saravanan P
This is amazing and it will be very useful for many people to watch curated collections of tutorial videos in one place. This is also great for creators to submit their video on Vmaker Learners Hub platform for Free. I am excited to use Vmaker Learners Hub. Congrats Vmaker Team. Great job!
Rangarajan Nallappa
@saravanan_p5 Would love to have you contribute to the library, Saravanan.
Brilliant! Thank you for implementing such an idea! *_* It is a great help to people who want to learn more, to improve knowledge, and to save time on research of a nicely explained videos! Congrats on the launch! ^_^ Does the platform covers maybe tutorials related to Adobe Creative Tools? :))
Rangarajan Nallappa
@maria_brm Thank you for those kind words, Maria. It does cover Adobe CC tools in detail. We are also continuously adding new videos every week.
@rangarajan_nallappa Amazing! *_* Thanks a lot for the answer! I am happy and excited to try out Vmaker, and can't wait to share first impressions! ^__^
Rangarajan Nallappa
@maria_brm My pleasure, Maria. Looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Rangarajan Nallappa
The idea behind Vmaker Learners Hub was to build one platform where anyone who would want to learn about a particular product/tool or software need not scroll through multiple videos and other content on the internet before starting to acquire a skill or learn a new product. Instead, jump to this space and find the most curated list of product tutorials under each category and start learning. Vmaker is currently being used by educators and other content creators across the globe for creating educational content such as tutorial videos. While this platform could come in handy for all like minded consumers who believe in watching videos for learning a skill/tool, it will also be a boon for other content creators. We welcome tutorial video makers to contribute to this ever growing library/community of tutorial videos. You could choose from the existing categories or also add a new product to the list and help in growing the community. We are constantly working on improving this library of tutorial videos. You can expect to see new videos, categories every week and also, feature like reviews, comments and reactions which would help consumers choose the best content they see here. If you are a person who believes in watching videos for acquiring a skill or a content creator who loves to educate your audience on a particular product/tool, this is the space you should have an eye on. Cheers!
Pradeep Kumar M
Congrats on the launch and this is great idea too. Looking forward to use this
Rangarajan Nallappa
@pradeep_kumar_m Thank you Pradeep. Also do contribute. We would want to see Picmaker up there soon :)
Balaji S
This possibly is what many were looking for, This certainly could solve real life struggles of time wasting finding the right Product video to watch :D Kudos to Vmaker Team
Rangarajan Nallappa
@balaji_shetty Absolutely Bala. Glad we could resonate. Would love to see contributions from you as well.
Praveen Simon
Software tuts under one roof! Kudos to the Vmaker team :)
Rangarajan Nallappa
@praveen_simon Thank you Praveen. Hope to see your videos as well here :)
Kausik Raj
Vmaker Learners Hub sounds like a proper place for the best-curated video tutorials. Kudos to the team Vmaker for making this happen.
Jagadeash S
Sometimes we don't need more resources to understand a tool better. Sometimes we just need a friend who would collect the best resources about a certain tool and lay it out for us. I see Vmaker's learning hub as that friend. This is a brilliant resource to understand everything about some of the best tools out there. I'm excited to see how you guys build up this most in the coming weeks πŸ’ͺ. This is content curation at it's best πŸ’―. Go team Vmaker!
Lakshmanan Raman
Hi Jagadeash, thanks a lot for the kind words! That’s exactly what we want the platform to be - a learning buddy for those who want to learn about new tools :)
Richa Vaid
This is so cool!! All the best for the launch πŸš€πŸš€πŸ”₯πŸ”₯