Jonathon Triest

VISR - Safer Together - Get notified about bullying & other safety issues kids face

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Sarthak Grover
@rreichmann This is fantastic. I am a big proponent of tech applied towards important social causes such as anti-bullying and safety, amongst other things. I do feel a little bit on the fence about the privacy vs trust vs safety approach when it comes to monitoring. I am sure you have delved into the same dilemmas and tried to balance it out. What was your biggest challenge building this?
Robert S. Reichmann
@sarthakgrover Definitely. It was that specific dilema - striking the balance - that lead us to creating this. We've tried to strike that balance in the product. I think we've done a decent job - obviously always more to be done. The idea to give kids an atmosphere where they can explore tech/social media safely - but in the most non-invasive way. Its really less about "catching kids in the act" and more about helping them navigate issues that will certainly arise. By only notifying parents to issues - we make their lives easier - i.e. no more trolling kids on fb etc - while keeping them informed on the latest issues - in the least invasive way we can. It really is shocking how much children deal with. (Today's kids deal with social anxiety - how many followers/ like / etc et - its REAL to them.)
Sarthak Grover
@rreichmann Glad to hear that. Could you provide some more info as to how you are able to access/monitor the kids accounts? Do you need access to them through their actual passwords or some other way?
Robert S. Reichmann
@sarthakgrover Sure! So currently all through public API's. How accounts are connected depends on child's age - but we always advise to include them. For older kids - parents can send child an authorization link so the kids can connect their accounts themselves - whereby the parents never need to know their credentials but can receive alerts should they arise. For younger kid - often the parents are the ones holding credentials (8-10) - in that case we suggest they sit down and connect accounts together.
Sarthak Grover
@rreichmann Awesome, thanks for delving into the details. You have a great mission and a solid approach. Goodluck on the launch, I'll share this around as well as this is something a lot of parents could potentially benefit from.
Robert S. Reichmann
@sarthakgrover thanks!! much appreciated :)
Robert S. Reichmann
Hey! I'm avail for the next bit if there's any questions - or anything I can help with. :)