Niv Dror

Let The Ca$h Flow for eCommerce Stores - Growth tactics for your eCommerce store, from Viral Loops 💸


Throughout this very eBook, you will get a deeper understanding of what can make or break your eCommerce store.

In addition to that, we’ll present you tools and how you can utilize them to take your store one step ahead of the competition!

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George Vasiliadis
Hi everyone! 👋 We're super stoked to launch our first ebook! 🤗 It’s called ‘Let The Ca$h Flow’, and we crafted it along with ContactPigeon especially for those struggling to find new ideas for growing their eCommerce stores. I could start this post by giving you some yearly stats for eCommerce just to justify my next sentence that would be about how big, shopping online has become and blah, blah, blah. But you already know that stuff. Don’t you? 😎 Throughout this ebook, you will get a deeper understanding of what can make or break your eCommerce store. In addition to that, we’ll present you tools and how you can utilize them to take your store one step ahead of the competition. Further inside, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the best ways to grow and retain a healthy contact list and traffic for your store. We’ll also teach you the art of increasing your conversion rate. ⚡️ Finally, we’ll get through on the "whys" and "hows" you should increase your long-term customer value through continuous nurturing and engagement of your existing customers. Let me know what you think! 🙌
George Vasiliadis
@philipljohnson Hey Philip, sorry about that. Can you tell me the email that you used to sign up?
Philip Johnson
@geovasiliadis Eh - a little nervous about putting my email up here. I'll try again a little later. Possible that I had unsubscribed from your emails in the past which is putting me on a global suppression list. Thanks!
George Vasiliadis
@philipljohnson sure I respect that. Send me an email at and I can send you a free copy. 😊
Alexis Le Moine

I read that booked and shared it several times already. It so well made. Before you launch a new business, read this book. Before launching a new product, read this book. Before doing anything else, read this book. Long story short: read this book.


The best possible summary of everything you need to know about marketing online


the e book would benefit of (even) more use cases