Good morning, Co-Founder of Fabric here.
We were told we would never be able to do it, but we’ve taken a clean page and made life insurance easy to buy. (It has not been easy to do!)
That means if you live in Texas, Illinois, Ohio or 29 other states, you can have life insurance coverage about 2 minutes after you finish reading this sentence (we timed it!). No more agents, complex and costly policies, and weeks of waiting. This has never been done before.
Fabric plans start at $6/mo for $100,000 in coverage and you can do it on your phone, tablet, or desktop.
Here’s how it works:
If you’re 25-44, accidental death is your life’s single biggest risk. Fabric Instant covers you with accidental death insurance in about 2 minutes, on your phone. You can upgrade coverage later to include death from accidents and illnesses by replacing Fabric Instant with Fabric Premium, a 20-year term life insurance policy. Policies are issued by Vantis Life, which was founded in 1942 and has a rating of “A” (“Excellent”) for financial strength and claims-paying ability from A.M. Best.
With Fabric Instant, we took the time to design a new insurance product from the ground up. It was the only way to create a 2-minute experience from start-to-covered, whether you’re on your mobile device, tablet, or desktop.
Give us a try! I’d love to hear what you think.
Fabric Co-Founder
@adamerlebacher Great concept, and it seems much easier than the traditional alternatives I've looked at.
I've actually been in the market, and I started your process, but paused - here is what stopped me (FWIW):
1. I can't see my pricing on "Premium" until I create (and I assume pay) a policy for Instant. Frankly that's kind of lame. Without the transparency here, I feel like I'm back in traditional insurance-world where everything is obfuscated, and always has an insane premium hidden somewhere. Yea, I get the stats and that I am more likely to be covered by Instant than not. But I would expect many folks who are trying to care for their family like this want to make sure they are covered in all cases, not just the most likely.
I also get that your probably trying to capture the customer before upselling them, but for folks who feel like they need the full coverage from the start, you should provide a fork here, or at least better transparency on total pricing before asking for the commitment.
2. The phone number requirement before I see any real details on the policy I am about to get. Probably not a big deal by itself, but combined with #1, it just made me feel like I am going to get harassed constantly with calls (as I have been from your competition when getting quotes).
Hopefully this feedback helps - from the perspective of someone who was already pulling out a Credit card when reading this post, but then stopped.
@edholloway Thanks for the feedback! In response to your questions:
#1: We actually show you how much it costs to upgrade to Fabric Premium (20-yr term life policy) right after you select one of the three Fabric Instant plans. We calculate the Fabric Premium quote based on the amount of coverage you select for Instant. We'll see how we can make the Fabric Premium quote more visible! And one side note re who can buy Fabric Instant: if you're 25-50, you qualify. It's a guaranteed-issue insurance product.
#2: We only use the phone number to authenticate users via SMS. We do *not* call folks unless they ask (nearly everyone prefers our chat feature).
Cool - thanks for the reply and details. You should say some of this stuff right on the page - I think it would have helped me feel more comfortable in the process.
The clean look is great (and a huge relief from the "fine print" all over your competitors sites) - but a little more detail here would probably help people wrap their heads around things better.
Many of your prospects are coming to the page with years (or decades) of experience dealing with insurance company shenanigans - anything you can do to mitigate that mistrust will go a long way IMO.
Good luck, and I'll take another look.
@sm Hi, Jake from Fabric's marketing team here ... would love to link-up and see if there's something we can do together. I'm asking to link us up as we speak.
@amyers The health check is free and is similar to a physical (i.e. height, weight, blood pressure, fluids samples, and pulse). You schedule it at your convenience using the web app, and the medical pro comes to your home. You don't choose the doctor, everything is taken care of.
@adamerlebacher Thanks Adam! Do prices change or are they the same for the full 20-year term? Does the app suggest when to upgrade to Premium? For example, when you're within X years of the 44 year old range. Does the 20 year start over when you upgrade to Premium? As I assume it would be a new policy-- y'all are awesome!
Hoping life insurance is just your first product! Seen similar new insurance products here on PH that are non-US.
Question on the premium plan, @adamerlebacher. What type of tests does a healthcare provider need to perform to let you upgrade? Is it a yes/no decision, or does it help you properly price the customer's policy?
Also, coming to Massachusetts soon?
@kunalslab The health check is similar to an annual physical (i.e. height, weight, blood pressure, fluids samples, and pulse) and is completed by a medical professional. You schedule it at your convenience using the web app, and the medical pro comes to your home. We're working on MA and hope to be there soon!
@faxmado Fabric Premium is a 20-year term life insurance policy and it is convertible to whole life. The conversion option to whole life is a nice feature, but not something that we actively promote. Term life insurance is almost always the better choice for folks. Whole life is normally used as a wealth transfer tool – it can make sense if you are regularly max'ing out your IRA, 401(k), and other tax-advantaged accounts, and are looking for a way to transfer wealth tax-free to heirs. Another reason to buy whole life is if you have a child with special needs who requires support beyond the term of a term life insurance policy. So, whole life is available as a conversion option for those who have Fabric Premium, but it's not something that we promote.
YES YES YES - I used to sell life insurance back when I didn't have a career in mind yet (oh millennial me) and always had a secret wish for someone to disrupt this space. Excited to see this take off! Is Fabric trying to disrupt underwriting for life insurance as well?
Ah, would have loved to know on the homepage insurance isn't available in NY.
Suggestion: collect email addresses, the chances that I'll see on your FB page that you now serve NY will be very very slim.
@geekgirlweb Jake from the marketing team here... good suggestions all.
Right now we're in more than 1/2 of the country, we're looking into ways to detect where you are so we can give you the relevant info on the home page without having to list out every state. There's a few problems there though.
(1) Geotargeting isn't always foolproof.
(2) Because we made the system so easy you can purchase coverage on your cell phone, there's the very real chance you might sign-up on the go. You might be standing in a state we don't cover, but live somewhere we do. We'd hate to turn you away.
That said, we're collecting emails and trying to nudge people towards facebook because, well, it helps for visibility.
Keep the feedback coming though, this is super helpful stuff. It seems like, more than the mechanics of how to capture you as a lead, we left you feeling unsatisfied in that transaction. I'd love to think up a way where we got your info and, even though we can't sell to you just yet, you feel so good you want to advocate for us straight away.
seems like a needed simplification of a very complicated product. FWIW I can't stand your logo, especially the animated one. It's really complicated and irregular and just when you think it's done moving, stuff rotates. Just doesn't seem like a good metaphor for the simple product you're making.
@aidandcunniffe Thanks for the feedback. The animation was something we did special for PH – the symbol itself is static and is meant to live separately from the Fabric wordmark. The shapes in the symbol come to life in other parts of our experience (characters in our video, design elements, etc).
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