How do you compare with MOOV (which was hunted 2yrs ago)? I personally use the boxing application and it's phenomenal, especially when I don't have time for the gym.
Hey Gabe,
Never tried the boxing app (but it looks fun).
There are quite a few big difference but I’ll mention a few:
*Vi has a personality and a real vice- not a TTS voice
*Not just voice cues but voice interaction- a screen free experience- Un like MOOV In Run GUI controls .
*Music integration.
Focus on running and running experience:
*Adaptive in run coaching- Vi has a build in HR sensor that monitors and configures effort zone which are personal and always calibrating
*Adaptive short term workout plans.
*Many In-Run features- Cadence and fatigue like MOOV but also a lot more including actionable insight that relates to user goals
*Additional on board sensors (& very accurate) as well as context aware like weather implications on Running etc.
@gidonravner Thanks for sharing! Sounds like a cool idea and curious to try it out/compare it to MOOV once ready, really dig the music integration aspect.
@gidonravner, amazing product. Besides running, what else is on the roadmap? Will it also be a personal trainer at the gym, for example? This is something I was truly looking for. I don't think I've ever pledged on a Kickstarter so fast.
Hey Gabriel,
Yep, We are planing to head in that direction. Vi will able to coach you on all popular activates (Cycling, Gym, Etc..) and also to integrate all-day tracking data to give users a complete picture of Fitness and Health and provide as much actionable insights as possible. Thank you for your support!
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