Kristiyan Bogdanov

Vercel OG Image - Free Tailwind templates for generating dynamic OG images

You can quickly grab the code snippet for one of our Vercel OG templates, customise it however you want and start generating dynamic Open Graph images for your blog, product or podcast website.

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Kristiyan Bogdanov
Last week Vercel announced the launch of their new library - @vercel/og. It allows us to dynamically generate Open Graph images - and do it super fast. You can even use Tailwind for your templates! I was super excited about it, so I spent some time and created a bunch of Tailwind templates for the community which you can copy and paste into your codebase, customise them however you want, and start using them for your website! To keep the templates easy to get started, I only used the default font family and font weight (Noto Sans Regular). However, I also created a tutorial to show you how to use your custom fonts and multiple font weights within your templates. I plan to work on many more templates in the future, so let me know if you'd like anything specific and I can have a look. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Paul Rusyn
@vercel @kris_bogdanov Congrats, good luck 🚀 If you need some help with the logo and brand identity, feel free to contact me!
Steven Birchall
Very timely, this is something we have been looking at from a Product perspective. Thanks for taking the time to build the templates.
Shushant Lakhyani
Congratulations on the launch! !
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
Love this and need to bookmark whenever I'm making a site - figuring out the OG image is always my least favorite part 😂 But so needed! Also love the bluth reference 😂
Kristiyan Bogdanov
@britt_joiner I'm happy that somebody got the reference! :D