Stewart Rogers

Mobile advertising: How to win - The most extensive, up-to-date guide on mobile advertising

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John Koetsier
This is a report that I wrote. Really pumped to see it here. We reviewed over 500M mobile ad impressions and surveyed 1501 Americans to create the data that went into it. AMA :-)
Stewart Rogers
@johnkoetsier What is one of the more surprising findings from the survey John?
John Koetsier
@therealsjr @johnkoetsier data data data. Having the right location, context, historical, and gender data improves ad effectiveness by up to 800%. Obvious, I guess, but amazing too.
Ross Rojek
That's a pricey report. I get that a lot of effort and cost went into it, but out of our range (and probably that most most indy developers w/o VC funding).
John Koetsier
@sacbookreviewer what do you think is fair, Ross?
Eddie Pratt
@johnkoetsier @therealsjr When I've worked at larger companies, there were many reports far more expensive than this. The reports are often bought by insight teams and used as a central resource as many teams could benefit. In this case, $499 is a relatively low price for the insight and value to be gained. Certainly it would cost a lot more in terms of time and money to do the research ourselves, even if we knew how to do it and had access to the right data and people! If smaller companies with less budget is a segment you're trying to appeal to, then I guess there are a couple of options: - Lower the price from $499 to a price point acceptable to that segment. I guess in this case your business case for the report is based upon an uplift in volume with a drop in price. I suspect the danger here is two fold: 1) Even if you drop the price, would that segment really buy - despite them saying they would buy at a lower price? 2) Would the cheaper price make larger companies suspicious of the quality and robustness of your research? - Look at other ways to monetise e.g. in a cut-down but actionable version of the insights. e.g. a paid email subscription series of insights unfolded on a weekly basis from the report. A weekly peep show vs a one-time cabaret. BTW I found it really interesting about the auctioning of ads within the lifecycle diagram. I'd never even thought about that. I'm just a consumer on the end of an advert usually :-)
Stewart Rogers
@prattarazzi Excellent feedback Eddie. Thank you. You're right, of course. I've had to pay a lot more (10x more, in some cases) for similar research. Of course, we already provide a subscription option. So far this year, we've delivered over $3,200 worth of reports to subscribers who pay as little as $250 per month - a saving of $1,950 over buying them all individually. The five reports I've written personally (three of which are included in the subscription - the other two are video game industry reports) account for almost 50,000 words, so these are not "light reports at low prices"; they are extensive, forward-looking, predictive, and full of brand new insights from millions of data points. Our competitors charge around $80k for similar subscriptions. Oh, and we throw in another $2k of additional benefits, including consulting time with our analysts. You're right about the challenges of pricing, of course. Hopefully, we're providing that rarest of beasts; great quality at a low (comparative) price. Of course, there are many reports on VB Insight at $49/99 too - still great quality, but smaller, more concise analysis. cc/ @sacbookreviewer
Ross Rojek
@johnkoetsier I think the $499 is probably fair for value. Its just out of range for smaller devs. (So not complaining that you should lower the price.) And to @prattarazzi you are also correct that other reports can be a lot more expensive. Maybe tiered versions. Executive summary for $200, full report for $500. Or other segmentation. (ah just saw your comment below.) Not having deep pockets at times makes you feel like you're looking through the store window watching other people have a great time. But then I look at even smaller companies and get over it. In no way was I trying to devalue your work. And since it probably won't be a mass selling item, you need to sell it at that price point to get your value back (I've done a lot of pricing over the years.)
Stewart Rogers
John Koetsier's ridiculously extensive guide to mobile advertising, which includes fresh data from 1,500 Americans, and an almost obscene number of case studies, is a real eye-opener. If you have a business, and you want to be able to reach a wide audience, mobile advertising (as John's research suggests) is a smart way forward. Includes data from 500 million ad impressions.