Jack Hanford

Uber Chrome - Call an Uber from your Desktop


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simply using http://m.uber.com would also do the trick :)
S. Ketharaman
@tweetofjules TY. Never knew Uber had a mobile website. I've visited www.uber.com from my PC but I never found any way to book on that website.
Jack Hanford
Hey PH! One of my main frustrations with Uber is I often call them from my desk. This allows me to quickly initiate an Uber from my computer, and then view updates about it from my Phone. Let me know if you have any questions!
Jack Hanford
@partinder 🤙
Binoy Xavier Joy
@jackhanford Introduce some sort of Google Maps integration/ overlay. Like 1-click pick-up/ destination sharing to Uber Chrome.
Dre Durr💡
I needed this a few weeks ago when my phone died. Great product Dope🚬🚬
Vinay Hiremath
Thank you so much for this Jack! Gonna use this today.
Jack Hanford
@vhmth ayy, cheers!
Jake Mor
nice! who knew uber had a mobile site!