Chris Messina

Validated Ideas - Simple SaaS ideas, fleshed out

Top Hunter

A lot of founders choose ideas that are not validated by decent revenue or market demand. The aim of this newsletter is to take the guesswork out of it and give founders viable software ideas to work on every week.
Never work on a bad idea again.

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Shiva Prabhakaran
Hello All, My name is Shiva and I'm the maker behind Validated Ideas. Validated Ideas is a weekly newsletter where I shared one fleshed out SaaS idea along with lots of marketing and growth assets like SEO keywords, content ideas, possible .com domain names, relevant communities etc. The idea is help makers work on ideas that are viable and are already making money. Too much time is wasted working on problems no one cares about. Why not work on ideas that people are willing to pay for instead? You can subscribe to the newsletter here: All those who join today will get free access to all the posts (including premium) for 2 months. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now at And finally, special thanks to @chrismessina! His support has been critical in the flourishing of the Indie Hacker movement. Thanks a ton! Thanks for checking us out! I'm open to answering any questions you may have.
Csaba Kissi
@chrismessina @othershiva I’ve looked on the sample and it looks really promising!
Jordan Rose
Interesting! Would be interested to know how much time is dedicated to vetting an idea that gets published in the newsletter!
Peter Javorkai
Subbed! Will keep an eye on the use cases, the most I like is how you structure the validated ideas and observing from different angles. Curious to see later your MRR on this one in comparison of time spent on these idea validations. Keep it up! ✨
Samantha Smith
Would love to hear more what you guys are doing
Szymon Adamiak
Newsletter with great business ideas? Count me in :)
Yaroslaw Bagriy
Looks great! Just subbed 🙏
Gabriela Trueba
interesting... I see a PH type use case for upvoting ideas/saas requests and starting convo's around products that don't exist yet- very interesting.... particularly interesting for a stealth/pre-release product to get validation without being specific to the company.
Eric Bae
Nice one! I think the value added is how you show the analysis (e.g. suggested domain names) of each idea. Seems the initial research has been done (to a certain extent) and now helps potential founders to really go for it if they're really into it.
Ali Alsayed
Very useful and could be the basis for a lot of great products. Thanks
Sean Connolly
I do like this idea but doesn't it's popularity hurt it's value? I guess I'd be concerned that it encourages multiple parties simultaneously trying to build the same product...
Grisel Williams
Congrats on the launch! You did an amazing job there!
Penny Watson
Really interesting idea - how do you validate the business ideas - and combat the lack of exclusive access - i.e., if everyone sees the idea and starts working on it?