Amilcar Erazo

Vadio - Watch youtube videos in groups in realtime


Vadio is a platform that allows you to share what you are watching in youtube in real time. Share your channel link with your friends or whatever you want and the users that connect to your channel can see what you are watching in the exactly same time. Even can add videos to the playlist, chat and play with the playlist.

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Amilcar Erazo
Hey ProductHunters! I'm a web developer, and a few time I developed Vadio, a platform that allow you to share in real time what you are watching on youtube. You can craete your own audience with this, sharing with friends your channel and allowing that they watch the same video in the same time that you. The users can chat between them and play with the playlists using the differents modes of play that vadio have. I just want to know what do you think about this? It is possible to monetize something like this? Thanks