Hiten Shah

Design Systems by UXPin - Automatic design consistency + documentation.


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Hiten Shah
This is really really cool. UXpin has released a product that solves some of the biggest core problems with creating great, useful products. Ship faster, stay consistent with your user experience and waste less time by putting your design processes all in one tool. Check it out!
Kunal Bhatia
Designing 'Design Systems' has always been a big challenge. What is the official source of truth? Can you talk about how you used UXPin to create your own design system and how that worked within your overall design + dev process? This looks promising!
Marcin Treder
@kunalslab it's a brand new release, so few had a chance to use it to build their systems yet, but UXPin has been dog-fooding it for months in our Design Operations team. You can read stories of our sprints and some thoughts on processes in my blogposts: * Sprint 0: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Sprint 1: The Interface Inventory: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Sprint 2: One Color Palette to Rule them All: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Sprint 3: Managing the Basics: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Sprint 4: Design Principles: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Sprint 5: Managing Typography: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Sprint 6: The Fastest Icons on Earth: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * The Minimum Viable Design System: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... * Design Systems Are a Language. Product Is a Conversation: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... And if you're interested more in the story of this release and our future: The Future of Design Tools is not Prototyping. Introducing UXPin Systems: https://medium.com/@marcintreder... Hope this is helpful! :)
Mike R Wilson
Wow that's nice. Like your design