Deliver the perfect app experience. UXCam automatically captures complete user experience on your mobile app. Get the UX Analytics that’ll help you to truly understand your users to build better apps.
@seanrucker Hi Sean, Not at all - that would suck and limit your user base. Our iOS SDK is App Store safe so you can integrate UXCam in your live apps if you want.
@elegantunivers9 Hi Anjali, Yep - Android is a first class platform for us: all the instructions for integration of the SDK are on the website.
We are also working on other platforms - give us a shout if you have a favorite you want us to cover.
@torbahax Hi Andrew - By default we record the whole session, but the developer can control when the session starts and stops if they want to. So, for example, they could just record one level of a game that is new that they want to investigate user reaction to.
Our control panel also allows the developer to limit the upload of data to be only when the user has a wifi connection, or restrict how much mobile data can be used: sessions that complete when in a situation where the network can't be used to upload it immediately will be uploaded on a subsequent run when their is a good connection.
Looks like @uxcam has the potential to be the most complete UX analytics tool ever made. Really useful tool for product dev user testing teams. Have already recommended it to a bunch of friends who have all provided amazing feedback.
Thank you for the free plan so we can test the featueres but one question, I tried to update the video quality of screen recording but it seems that it's not working, I have the same quality on each video, did I missed something ?
amazing features for free plan, video recording, puting tags in the session, analytics, integration with crashlitycs and so on...
Hi Nabil,
Thank you for the kind words. We are really glad to hear that you are finding UXCam valuable.
Regarding your query - please reach out to us at and one of our Accounts team will be able to assist you.
This looks really solid, but I'm always a bit skeptical when the phrase "all in one" is used. I like the idea of combining useful tools. Which aspects are the product's strengths and which its weaknesses?
@UXAndrew Hi Andrew,
We see the product as a “User-centered development tool”:
Our expected user journey is that you would integrate UXCam while starting out product development, for doing early user-testing with your prototypes. Then as you move through the phases of development you can do spot tests with the same batch of users or new users to see how your design changes are working.
Once you are in the later stages of development a wider scale beta test can replace the expensive lab-based user testing that we’d all like to do, but rarely have time/funds for. You only need to watch the sessions that matter to you, using the data filtering and analytics tools to find the important ones.
TL:DR - Strengths - capture screen (and optionally camera) videos of real users in real environments using your app at any stage from prototype to live on app stores. Weaknesses - there can be a lot of data to dig through and our platform is still maturing to give you the right tools to find the key session videos to watch.
We’re more than happy to talk with you about how to integrate UXCam with other tools so that you can get the benefits of both - to start the conversation.
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UXCam App Analytics
Thank you for the free plan so we can test the featueres but one question, I tried to update the video quality of screen recording but it seems that it's not working, I have the same quality on each video, did I missed something ?
Pros:amazing features for free plan, video recording, puting tags in the session, analytics, integration with crashlitycs and so on...
Cons:nothing right now
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UXCam App Analytics
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