@abadesi That's a great question:) The most relevant users can likely be the users you already have contact with as a product owner/team-member. So with our tool, you can send a test link via the channels you are already engaging with your users—whether they are potential users on social media or existing users in your CRM, analytics or email list. Alternatively, if you are looking for a very specific type of person (ie ProductHunters who own iguanas); you can recruit them via friends and family, social media, online communities..etc.
Definitely something I’ll need to try at our next design review. Seems like a great tool for testing with current users. Any plans to expand or partner in the future to get first time user feedback?
@justinotherjohnson Thanks for your comment! To get first time user feedback, you simply need to target people who have not used your service and cater your questions toward their first time experience. We also offer a full-service (paid) solution where we recruit new users for you to get first time user feedback videos :)
@arunpattnaik Thank you for sharing this! We obviously need to do more userlooks with our own platform and do a better job communicating:( To try to give you a quick answer, self-service is free and you need to send/arrange the test with your own users/testers. Full-service is paid and we take of finding testers and arranging tests(finding users, compensation..etc) to get you user videos.
Hustle Crew Academy
AI Starter | An AI "Biz-in-a-Box"