I believe this is an innovative approach to business during this outbreak as everyone is affected and if they know that you are listening, you can improve your relationship with them. This is definitely going to be a hit, I can't wait to give a shot.
Interesting feature, using this you should be able to proactively reach out and that should help reduce churn.
Did you beta test it? If so how did it go?
@volkandkaya Hi Volkan, Alican here from the UG Team.
Thank you for the question! Yes we actually did beta test it with a small sample. The response rates are quite promising, led us take some precautionary measures as well.
You can check out this article to see how to interpret your own score: https://help.userguiding.com/en/...
Hello Makers 👋
We hope you are healthy and safe. And don't worry, it'll all be over soon! 🌅
As UserGuiding, we've been struggling with a major challenge in our personal and business lives for a while now. Uncertainty.
During the global pandemic, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Hopefully, in late 2020, we'll be enjoying social life again with friends and family.
But now it's time to focus on what we have to reduce uncertainty.
While brainstorming on ideas to help our users that are most affected by COVID-19, we've come up with this idea of a free survey tool.
COVID-meter is an easy-to-setup survey tool to find out how your customers are affected by the pandemic and offer special promotions to the most affected to reduce churn & help your users.
These are difficult times, so we'll offer this new tool to everyone during the pandemic for 100% free and without any limits.
Stay safe, and please let us know your feedback 🙌
It totally makes sense. Getting more insights on how your clients are handling the current situation can show under the radar opportunities. Good idea!
Great opportunity to bond with your users and explore their newly-emerging needs. The fact that it is free also lets you try the tool out risk-free.
Although I am involved with UserGuiding, I am sure I wouldn't miss out on this tool if I had a business on my own.
@selman_gokce Totally agree! Companies need to act agile in these unprecedented times with the most accurate data available. Thanks for the great feedback!