David Weisburd

Upside - 100% free tool to check the value of your shares and options


Upside is an easy-to-use free calculator that helps you figure out how to value your startup shares or options and helps you make a decision on whether to exercise your shares.

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David Weisburd
My co-founder and I launched this tool in order to help engineers, designers and other startup team members figure out what to do with their shares πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘. With many people being laid off or furloughed, we wanted to give actionable data to employees who have expiring options ☠️☠️☠️. This is a passion project for my team and I and we may end up turning this into a business, but for now there is no charge or monetization πŸ’°.
David Weisburd
@levon377 thank you!
Vlad Larin
So cool to be part of the projects with a vision 😎 David and Hans have a very deep understanding of the topic, so it was fantastic to help to create something so useful for a lot of folks, working with the pros. The app is fully built without code and running 100% on the Bubble framework, so it took us just a few days to build, polish, and launch. Big thanks to everyone involved - we hope you will find it interesting and helpful. Team at Zeroqode is upen to any feedback, so please tell us what you think πŸ™
Oliver Pecha
Very thoughtful and timely, I have pass this on to some other folks!
David Weisburd
@oliverpecha Thank you Oliver!
Matt Venables
You don’t have a Privacy Policy β€” how do you collect and use personal information?
David Weisburd
@mattyven Here is the privacy policy and you can find the cookie policy and terms of service linked below it - https://upsideshares.com/privacy.
Erik Lukas
fantastic idea to make it simpler!
David Weisburd
@erik_lukas Thanks Erik!
Hunter Horsley
this looks super cool
David Weisburd
@hunter_horsley Thanks Hunter!
barry wang
By no means, it is easy to determine value of your start up shares. But, you will be giving people highly valuable data in exchange for some relatively simple number crunching that is not going to be accurate for most of start ups. It is not that hard to determine the value of your options. Start with: the price from last round X your vested option plus a Y% (an arbitrary number) to give you some buffer. But this only provide you a reference from the past. Ultimately, you worked there and you should have a sense if the company has a future you believe in. If you don't believe in it, don't exercise or only exercise partially (think of them like a lottery). * If you are somewhat investment savvy, you can also browse Forge/EquityZen/Sharepost to find out past transaction price.
David Weisburd
@barry_wang1 Thanks Barry. We partner with all those partners in order to help with fulfillment. We're a share calculator.