No-code scrapers and real-time scraping APIs
Raunaq Singh

Google Maps Scraper by Unwrangle — Extract places and reviews from Google Maps as CSV or JSON

We have 2 scrapers for Google Maps: - Google Maps Search Scraper for scraping places for any keyword and location on Google Maps - Google Maps Reviews Scraper for scraping reviews for any location with its link and place id.
Raunaq Singh
Hey there! I'm a long time PH lurker, finally mustered up the courage to submit my product. Unwrangle offers scrapers to collect data from e-commerce and business platforms. Scrapers are good to collect paginated data or data from many urls asynchronously and APIs are good for real-time scraping. The Google Maps Scrapers let you extract places and reviews data from Google Maps quickly and easily. Why try Unwrangle? - It's much easier to get started than platforms like Apify and Octoparse - The pricing is simple $99 for 100k credits, 1 credit per record. No bandwidth, task, proxy charges separately. - It works. Unlike some of the other scraping platforms the scrapers work and we take maintenance seriously. This is why we don't offer a free plan.