This is fantastic, the Unsplash photography is beautiful. Installed.
I also recommend Content Generator plugin, great for generating profile pictures, fill in text, etc (, and Sketchsquares, which fills layers with images from Instagram (
Edit: you guys should install the Sketch Toolbox if you haven't already. Search, install and manage Sketch plugins:
Hey, thank you @chrismessina for hunting the plugin :)
This was actually a very quick way to scratch a personal itch, as they say, but I'm really, really glad it turned out to be useful for the community ! Thank you guys
Quick question, does anyone use the + Options version?
Hey @chrisunderdown , the pictures are taken from and they are all very high resolution (and very high quality). For optimization sake, the plugin retrieve a picture that is exactly the size of your shape layer. If you enlarge that shape layer later it would be better to run the plugin again.
@drikerf My fork allows you to do just that. We're debating keeping the current options functionality or the search functionality. Can't do both.
@jurajivan good call! It will probably depend to the "Retina Canvas" switch in the app settings, but it's a check that will be included for sure in the next update. Thanks!