Hasan Kassem

Unplug Alarm - Protect your MacBook from theft

Unplug Alarm sends you a notification if someone unplugs your MacBook from power or closes its screen.

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Hasan Kassem
Hello Hunters! I'm a computer engineering student. A problem that I always face when working from public places is that I'm always worried about my MacBook being stolen if I left it for few minutes. Imagine you're working in a cafe, you get tired and you want to go for a small walk leaving your device... Here comes Unplug Alarm. With this app, you can simply plug your device to power, and activate it. Once someone unplugs it or closes its screen you'll get a notification on your phone alerting you! The app can also play a load siren alarm sound.
@hasan_kassem this definitely addresses a very widespread problem. Great idea! As the app is not free, I'm not able to test so here's a question: what's the average delay time for the alert? It sometimes takes just a few seconds to get your laptop stolen, so I think low latency alert is critical for this app.
Hasan Kassem
@cemre Thanks! You're right it's important to send the notification fast. It's almost instant unless there is a problem with the internet connection.
Jai Mareddy
@hasan_kassem How are you guys currently collecting user feedback? I'd love to talk to someone within your startup about that workflow!
Roel Oosterwijk
Looks nice! Did you noticed you have spelled "unbplugged" in the picture at the appstore?
Hasan Kassem
@roell Thank you! I'll fix it soon😅
Jens Rohme
Good idea!!
Mark Dodd
Remember the Macbook Pros from circa 2006 which came with a remote you could lock you laptop with? It was like having a car immobilizer for your laptop. That was cool.
Hasan Kassem
@markbrooksdodd I never heard about it! Seems cool!
Reminds me of an app from way back when iPhone was just initially released, never thought it was very practical. And I haven't changed my mind since..
Nikola Stojković 🇷🇸
It's like MacBook Alarm :) How do you handle the issue with headphones? Thief just plugs them in and walks away
Hasan Kassem
@stojkovic You'll still get a notification.
Pollen Technologies
An interesting extension to this idea could be using location services to notify you if your mac starts moving as well. Similar to find my iphone
Hasan Kassem
@pollen_inc "Find My" app is already there for macOS too.
Jeremy Brown
Does what it says, which is great! Given the lack of Mac App Store alternatives and given the importance of the functionality, I'm happy to pay the price. My only complaint is that the app icons for both platforms could be a little nicer. Still, the menu bar icon is appropriately styled, and that's where you're likely to notice it the most. *When I first used the app and subsequently wrote this review, my experience was that the app icon remained active in the dock and app switcher. That is no longer the case as of my second use — perhaps I ran into a bug? Either way, I've updated this review and the app score to reflect as much.
Roy Olsen
Good stuff! I was considering Beepify but found their price to be absolutely insane. May want to add the option of triggering an alarm if the lid closes.
does it work if the charger is removed with the lid closed , Ill buy it if this function works , Please let me know