Binyamin Goldman

Unite 4 for macOS - Turn any website into an app on your Mac in seconds.

Unite 4 is the biggest update we've ever made. Built for Big Sur, it includes hundreds of new features, including:
- Notifications
- Dock slices
- Keychain access
- Dark mode for web
- Pro tools
- and much, much more!

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You AGAIN! LOL If someone wants to buy this app, please BE AWARE, this developer will charge you money for newer version almost every year. Another EVIDENCE:
@sunnyheart not sure I understand why this is a bad thing. Each update that is released is significant in updates and they offer a 50% discount in upgrading. You don't have to upgrade to the newest version if you want to. So the "will charge you" is only if YOU want to upgrade. Honestly I easily upgrade each version they come up with as it's worth it to me. May not be the same for everyone.
Binyamin Goldman
@sunnyheart is right. I will 100% be releasing one major paid update as opposed to subscription pricing every year. This is the business model - the outgoing version will continue to be supported for at least another year (big bug fix update yesterday!). Not sure why he has such trouble understanding why no one else is as upset as he is.
Joseph Hsieh
@sunnyheart As a happy customer of not Unite but Coherence (his other SSB tool based on Chromium) I'm glad he adds value to the app each year and charges me for it so I know it'll be supported, updated, and continually improve. How many fantastic apps here on ProductHunt die an untimely death simply because the maker had to move on, get a job, or do something else because they can't justify the time/expense of maintaining their projects? Don't get me wrong, I love free tools, experimenting in the marketplace, and I'm a huge proponent of FOSS; but for niche apps that adds value to me - I'll gladly pay for each release if I know it supports the developers to continue to improve their product.
@sunnyheart FAKE ONE-TIME PURCHASE and also see this developer was moody by the above link.
Binyamin Goldman
@sunnyheart your damn right I was moody
Binyamin Goldman
Hello Hunters! Today we're launching Unite 4, the biggest update to Unite since the first release three years ago. This update includes the first ever redesign for the in-app experience, an all new creation tool with icon customization features, web notification support, keychain access, pro tools, dock slices, and much more! The update is a result of six months of development and is built from the ground up for Big Sur. We hope you'll give it a look and let us know your thoughts! Here are a few free codes for those who get here early! I may drop some more later in the day. 226A5026-8E3709E4-CB441E43-CF0BC068-FF2EBBE8 B9F5B976-5D293078-7256718C-F9D98A87-0C53509B D656B930-719049FF-54BE97E5-7BFB5AA4-93483565 BB5CF3E8-1EDDE58D-72991124-C8FB33C3-A17619B5 The best way to support the project though is to buy a license, and for the next week, you can get 20% off any Unite order when you use the code 'ProductHunt' at checkout! Thank you again for reading and taking a look! Binyamin
Szymon Krzemiński
@bzg0515 any chance any of these still works 2 months in? ;)
Vladimír Seman
nice idea, there are many websites/services that can be turned into apps in that way. do you solve also process of submission into the app store?
Binyamin Goldman
@vladojsem Apple's App Store rules don't allow apps that are just versions of the website, but from a technical perspective they should be App Store compliant. We do offer enterprise services where corporations can create distributable apps.
Peter Fuller
I started using Unite after their Black Friday sale a couple weeks ago. I turned Zoho Projects, CRM, Books, and WorkDrive into desktop-based app and I'm OBSESSED with it. Works fantastic and solves the problems of other app-makers I've tried (namely 1. couldn't handle external links and 2. did horribly with opening new tabs)
Kevin Diaz
Looks like last 3.2 update is not downloading on the app or when i go to download link, looks like its broken.
Binyamin Goldman
@kevd where are you downloading from?
Binyamin Goldman
@kevd never mind fixed now
Kevin Diaz
@bzg0515 the link on the website is working, the internal update on the app it self is not, but i downloaded it.
Eric Stresen-Reuter
@bzg0515 The notes reference you can change app passwords that offer to get saved in Preferences. Can you share where this setting is?
Binyamin Goldman
@bzg0515 @ericsr Not sure exactly what you are referring to. Could you quote exactly?
Eric Stresen-Reuter
@bzg0515 @ericsr When you first launch Unite 4 after creating a new web app it asks if you want to save passwords but you can change in Preferences later. I cannot find the spot to change saved passwords from the web app.
Binyamin Goldman
@bzg0515 @ericsr Ah, I think this messages text is left from our mockups and should've been changed. If you change a password, Unite should automatically catch it, or you can change it by going to keychain and editing the entry.
Milo Zoppini
Love this!!
Frederic Sune
Really like the last version of Unit. I am using BZG for multiple years now and I think that Unit version 4 is one of the best. The integration with BigSur is perfect. Highly recommended.
Terence Burton
A very simple idea that's massively convenient. I know it's probably just psychological having an app vs using a website but it makes a big difference for me. Thanks!
Leo Selie
Love it! Can you please include a dark background when the app/website is loading? That would make the experience a whole lot better! Also, I seem to have issues with changing the icon once the app is created. I tried icns, png files, but I got the same error. Thanks!
Binyamin Goldman
@leo_at_zapier 1) good idea about dark background 2) aware in app icon switch is bugged, will try to get fixed soon
Michael Chrisler
New user of Unite, and I'm loving it! I have a few websites that I use daily for work, and this allows me to quickly create an app for them so I can launch them when I launch all my other apps. Sounds minor, but it's a big time saver for me!
Swagat Panda
Its a great app which can make your life so easy. It is great to turn all your important websites into useful apps which work great on your device. Simply, Loved the product !
Guy Engler
Great App. I loved Unite 3, and Unite 4 feels even better. A. great way to turn site URLs into an app... Easy to use and very efficient. I am glad to have this tool in my toolbox.
Russ Pierson
I've used Unite since version 2. It's an excellent, dead-simple way to create a free-standing app from your favorite SAAS browser application.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Carlos Sariñana
Amazing update. Can't wait to play with all those new features. Congrats!
Michael The Geek 
Congrats on the launch on version 4.
Andrea Osti
Acquistato da poco ma credo di non poterne già più fare a meno. Molto utile.
Max Prilutskiy
Looks good! 💯
?makers Does it meanwhile support the 'file://' protocol?
Binyamin Goldman
@tiptronic No, but there's no reason it couldn't. Added to list of things to add.