Harsha Halvi

Evie by unDraw - An open source and extendable web design framework

Evie is a small and MIT licensed framework with pages out of the box, to build websites faster. It is extemely lightweight, customizable and works perfectly on modern browsers. Created and used in production at unDraw with great loading times! Hope you'll find it useful!

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Katerina Limpitsouni
👋 Product Hunt once again!!! Evie is a very small design framework that mainly styles your HTML elements and has almost no learning curve. The goal is to provide a starting point for good-looking websites without imposing naming conventions that are hard to learn and adopt. It has: - Ready to use pages that fast-track your project development and are easily customizable - Only a few components and utility classes so you can extend it in any way you like (add a grid, etc.) - Zero dependencies, so you can use any JS framework you prefer (React, Vue, etc). - It's MIT licensed so you can create anything you want, without attribution. You can for your open-source project page, your freebies site, create WordPress themes or whatever you can think of! Hope you guys will like it and find it useful!!!
@ninalimpi Love it 😍 Really appreciate you and @anges244 pushing out quality work and open-sourcing it, respect 🙏
Katerina Limpitsouni
@anges244 @amrith Thank you so much!!!!! :) You are awesome!!!! :) :)
Aggelos Gesoulis
@ninalimpi @amrith Can't thank you enough!!! Your support means the world to us!!! Thx!!!
@ninalimpi @anges244 don't mention :) happy to help!
@ninalimpi just created a WordPress theme https://github.com/actuallyakash... A bit late maybe (after 3 years). Better late than never! 😄
Harsha Halvi
Evie is an open source theme that allows you to create a quick landing page or two and more for your next web project big or small. @Ninalimpi and @anges244 can you talk a bit about why you made this ? and what was the inspiration behind this ? and as always the illustrations are fantastic.
Katerina Limpitsouni
@anges244 @halvi Thanks for hunting us Harsha!!
This is great, thanks for putting it together. Great how you made it for yourselves initially, and then open-sourced to everyone for its usefulness. Love the unDraw illustrations on the homepage too ❤️! Even just the documentation itself is excellent (https://evie.undraw.co/docs)
Katerina Limpitsouni
@graeme_fulton All this time reading your https://blog.prototypr.io has paid off I guess!!! Haha!!! Thank you very much for your kind comment!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Wojciech Jasnos

Great for small projects. Pricing table would be nice to add.


Beautiful and light design, Free, Easy to use




Great that it works with any JS framework!


Light weight and easy to use


no se

Anssi Junnonen
Impressive! 👏
Aggelos Gesoulis
@ansjun Thank you very much!!!
Sebastian Legarraga

PLEASE add pricing tables! :)


Incredible performance and minimalist design


No pricing tables

Ribier Design
top beautiful and deserves to develop and continue to work