Aytek Sökmen

What do you use Chat-GPT for?

Hey, I use Chat-GPT to plan my week, summarize some articles, get inspired to find topics for my blog, etc. Finally, I even created a chatbot to help me improve my German. If you want to try it, it starts here soon: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... So, what do you use ChatGPT for?

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Mainly use it for two things: 1. Coding assistant, saving so much time, barely use stack overflow anymore ahah. 2. brainstorm and challenge ideas There are several ways to leverage it for productivity it's crazy. I end up implementing it in my WhatsApp bot which first purpose is to turn voice notes to text- then using ChatGPT to summarise these notes (: If you wanna check-it out, it works with German voice notes too :D
Aytek Sökmen
@maelus good to hear that works for you as well, it's crazy indeed :) btw would love to try your Whatsapp bot :)
I use it to give me a starting guide for copy mainly. Recently gave it a bunch of questions for my FAQ section and it did 50% of the work for me. But i don't try to make perfect results with chatGPT because it requires too much prompt engineering, i rather just edit the text myself Other than that, I've been replacing the google search with chatGPT. You know when you want to search a concept or something but you don't know the name for, so google delivers crap results? ChatGPT has been a lifesaver when it comes to stuff like that
ankita jha
Generating new idea for projects and and prepare case study.