Alex Levkin

What books and articles helped you understand CustDev?


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Vitalii Smolin
How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere The Secrets of Good Communication By Larry King
Kseniia Po
I didn't see any benefit in interviewing users, for me the willingness of users to pay for my product was much more valuable and in general I am an adherent of Paul Graham's concept "Do things that don't scale". You can read about it here In short, instead of asking users "will you use my product?" it is better to launch an MVP and try to sell it to the first users and then draw conclusions
Anne A
I would start by watching a video from Y Combinator
, on their channel you can find answers to any questions startups have
Marina F
I'd recommend "The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick - this book will show you how to build a dialogue with clients and get honest answers from them