We'll launch https://www.producthunt.com/prod....
HeyPhoto is a free tool to tune selfies with AI: tweak faces to change gaze direction, identity, age, smile, or gender.
Waiting for you on August 3rd 😎
I'll launch Polygloss tomorrow, it's a language practising app. I'm now waiting my 1 week cooldown from a new account to be able to post the product. Any tips? My main fear is that I'm not sure this is the right community for this product.
@etiene_dalcol product hunt is the best community for your product.
My advice would be to connect with as much product hunt users as possible to support you tomorrow. Reach out to PH community members on LinkedIn I'm sure they'd be willing to support. Cheers and wishing you the best.
I'll be glad to support
Generated Photos
Generated Photos
Generated Photos
SocialSignal AI
SocialSignal AI
NFT Studio
NFT Studio