I Discovered 5 Coolest AI Solopreneur businesses with Over $1K to $25k MMR.
These small businesses, each founded by individual founders, have not only found niches for themselves but have also broken the 1k Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) barrier in a few months.
Let’s have a look at them.
1. Simulai
🌐 simulai.co
Your Next-Level AI Blog Generator
Imagine having an entire blog tailored to your niche, teeming with SEO-optimized posts, all generated at lightning speed. That’s Simulai for you! In a world where AI-generated content is shaping the narrative, Simulai provides businesses with a valuable leg up. Still, need convincing? Check out their own AI-crafted blog for real-life examples of their AI-generated content: blog.simulai.co.
2. Helper-AI 2.0
🌐 www.aihelper.info
Just type “Help” and instant access GPT-4 on any site + Complete Ownership and source code.
Helper-AI - www.helperai.info built the fastest way to access GPT-4 on any site. Just type “help” and instant access GPT-4 on any site without changing tabs again and again. In just 2 months Helper-AI made $2750+ by selling their own AI Startup source code and 100% Ownership, So other also can start their own AI startup in this golden era!!
3. ReceiptorAI
🌐 receiptor.ai
Revolutionizing Receipt Management
Bid farewell to manual email searches for receipts. ReceiptorAI seamlessly integrates with your email, extracting receipts and invoices automatically. The result? A smoother, more efficient approach to accounting.
A great solution to a simple but painful problem.
Since its launch in June, this ingenious tool has hit a 1.3k MRR.
4. SmartyNames
🌐 smartynames.com
Naming Your Business, the AI Way
Entrepreneurs meet your new naming assistant! SmartyNames offers AI-powered business name suggestions, complete with available domain options. I did a quick test to confirm their quality — I’m impressed. Cool names related to my description with ready-to-take domains.
5. TypingMind
🌐 typingmind.com
A Fresh Spin on ChatGPT UI
The race to perfect the ChatGPT UI is fierce, but TypingMind stands out. Pioneered by a reputable founder, this platform provides an enhanced, wallet-friendly ChatGPT experience. Their success is evident with a staggering 30k MMR. And the ripple effect? It’s inspiring ventures like promptszone.com, a Chinese counterpart, boasting 5k MMR.
The future is AI-shaped, and there is no better time to launch an AI product. I hope these businesses gave you enough inspiration to get started. Good Luck!
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