
How to reach out to SaaS customers?


I'm building a SaaS app. It will help you to easily create an API for spreadsheet. You can update/access your spreadsheet through api and even can download the updated one from our dashboard. I reached out to some people on LinkedIn but most of them are not replying to my messages. Also offering discounts for all beta users. Any help will be appreciated. Thankyou

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Are you looking for a pool of beta testers? Early adopters? Or trying to build up your target customer list at this stage? Depending on what stage you are at in the development and what goals you have in reaching out to those individuals the approach may vary.
@md_injemamul_irshad Then I would focus on the target persona first before reaching out 1. What is the problem your software is solving? 2. Who in the company has this pain point and could benefit from using your product? Don't limit your pool to just CTOs / CEOs. They are usually not the ones who go through dozens of spreadsheets - it's more for the mid-level managers, dept heads or anyone below in the chain. Get them to try the product and build your case to their C-level to fund its adoption.
Fabian Maume
Are you working with a specific spreadsheet software? What job title did you try to target on Linkedin?
Jason Grills
You need to consider a few things before reaching out to SaaS customers or audiences. One, are they the right audience? Two, what stage are they at while engaging with our business? Three, what type of content helps us gain more attention from these SaaS customers? Once you address these three questions, it will be easier for you to reach out to SaaS customers more effectively.