Trevon Gleeson

How can you escape Algorithm Echo Chambers and dive into information that you really need?

With Tidyread, you can subscribe to your fave sources and get daily updates at the same time. Moreover, the AI summaries and AI filter feature can save your time from reading the whole content, reading more in less time. Start building your personalized info system with us 😎 Today marks a milestone as [Tidyread] launches on Product Hunt! Come to support us if you love what we're building! Your insights are invaluable. Connect with us and share your experience. Your feedback is the cornerstone of our growth. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

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Nicole Astor
Tidyread launches today! We’ve been preparing for this day for a long time. The concept of Tidyread first emerged a year and a half ago, and we officially started building the team four months ago. As non-native English speakers, this has been a novel and challenging journey for everyone on the team. We’ve invested countless hours in refining our product, introducing it to users, and listening to feedback from beta testers. Our sole focus has been to wholeheartedly help users solve their problems. Today, Tidyread is presented to everyone, thanks to the support of the community. A big thank you to everyone in the PH community! We hope you can find time to vote for Tidyread. Your support means a lot to us!