Rucha Joshi

Favourite ice breaker questions for team meetings?


What are some of your favourite / most engaging questions to start off a great meeting? PS: We have put together some prompts in our latest launch -Conversations by Thursday. Would love to get your feedback on those questions :)

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Michael Silber
Some variation on "what is something you recently learned" has always worked for me. It helps me better understand what my co-workers are curious about
Rucha Joshi
@product_at_producthunt This is quite nice and yep a great way to get to know someone. I am going to use it next time. Thank you for sharing. What is it that you learned recently?
Michael Silber
@rucha_joshi8 I've been learning a lot about school zoning in NYC. My wife and I are trying to figure out whether or not to stay put in our current rental. What's interesting is that once our son gets into a school, he can stay in that school.
Rucha Joshi
@product_at_producthunt The school coming system in the US is fascinating, we don't have anything like that in India. Good to know that even if you change neighbourhoods your son won't necessarily have to switch schools as well.
Adraina Agyei
Holiday plans! They're always so versatile and fun to listen to.
Rucha Joshi
@adraina_a yes and makes me feel so wistful as well. Especially after the past 2 years, it is even more gratifying to listen to people's holiday/travel plans
I get the feeling I know what the next feature release is for Thursday 😀
Hardik Shah
For me talking about recent films/series is always one of the most favourite question to gather the involvement in a team meetings and also nowadays people try to keep their point of view with respect to a movie/series , so according to me its a nice topics to have conversation's.
Rucha Joshi
@hardik_shah21 Thanks for sharing. New movies and films are some of the easiest ways and most barrier free way to start conversations :)
Harshit Beniwal
@hardik_shah21 @rucha_joshi8 This reminds me, Did anyone see BATMAN yet?!??
Sofiko Papkhadze
Good question! Looking forward to find new tips. In my practice I try to be empathic and ask personalized questions. For example, I know that my colleague was about to move and I ask him: "How's it going with the moving? Is everything going according to plan? How can I help you?" I think the whole trick is to make sure the question is from the heart and that you are interested in the answer. It's not just a formality.
Rucha Joshi
@xsofikox I agree and yes, being thoughtful and remembering events about the other person's life are great ways to create more lasting relationships with your team mates.
Roman Vorozhtsov
My favorite question in daily meetings: What's up?
Justin George
This is something I struggle with, initiating team conversation. Some of my go-to topics are Movies, Weekend plans, Crypto
Alexander Eser
@rucha_joshi8 , we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at] or join our waitlist.