Lauren Godwin

Do you promote your product on LinkedIn? What's your strategy?


With the impending Tiktok ban, we're planning to move our educational content over to LinkedIn — but the algorithm doesn't seem to push out the content organically (more network based, which makes sense). How do you navigate this?

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Dan Gower
I recommend publishing content directly from your personal LI profile. This will get more organic reach then publishing through a company page. If you want it on your company page, too, then it can be helpful to publish from your personal profile before reposting from the company page. Hope this helps.
Lauren Godwin
@dan_gower Makes sense! Our CEO already has a pretty nice LinkedIn following, but has mostly been reposting content from the company page to her personal — not the other way around. Thanks for the input!
David Fischer
Hi Lauren! Yes LI works much different than Tiktok. Daniel is right here. You need to post first from the strongest personal accounts and then repost the content from the company account. A possible strategy for your product could be as well joining discussions about fundraising suggesting your solution naturally. Find founders that are raising as testimonials and then they can share experiences with your platform. What do you think? PS: Connected with you and Capwave on LinkedIn 😉
Lauren Godwin
@david__fischer Absolutely! We've made a few graphics w/ testimonials, as well as some other infographic-style charts about capital raising. We also plan to host a couple of webinars + advertise them on LinkedIn. I think joining relevant discussions would be helpful as well, thanks for the advice. And happy to connect, we appreciate it! (also want to note that our CEO Charlotte Ketelaar has a larger following/network so I also recommend connecting with her!)