@anna_golovchenko It really depends on what you want to focus on. Wordpress, and similar tools like Ghost, SquareSpace, Wix make it pretty easy to get a site set up and have pre-baked themes.
While webflow is a no-code product, it still has a small learning curve and will require more effort than any of those other options. The benefit is that you could end up with something more custom to your project.
So what's more valuable - ease of use or a custom design?
@ryan_wilson6 Ryan, thank you so much for your response! I'm good to invest time in learning the platform, if it works and looks smoothly and grow as my project grows. I think I'll try to play with every platform before jumping into solution.
@anna_golovchenko haven't used Ghost.org. From what I hear, it is well designed and easy to use CMS. Offers less control than webflow, but easier to get started. Probably much easier than wordpress. I'm personally not a big fan of wordpress, too complicated for my liking. But I'm sure underneath that complexity lies the power (i just cant find it ;))
@salil_sethi thanks, Salil! I think I'll try to play with every platform before jumping into solution. For now, it seems to me, that all of them have their pros and cons :)
I'd recommend you stick with Notion. WordPress would be my first choice for moving to a different platform, but it would take hours to replicate what you've already created in Notion.
@envisionwithj Justin, thanks for sharing your opinion! Yep, I agree, it will take hours and weeks to move my project to another platform, but Notion has lots of limitations as a platform :(
@anna_golovchenko@ryan_wilson6 I agree with this -- I will add though that you can make use of Webflow templates to speed of the process.
I think it depends on your long-term plans. Webflow would allow you to be much more flexible with where you take the platform.
@anna_golovchenko Interesting use of Notion btw! Nice idea for launching an MVP 👏
@shahrzad_darafsheh Shahrzad, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and recommendations! Will definitely check the templates to speed up the process!
and yes, it was an MVP build on Notion – love to use this tool: easy to use, nice looking, no-code, responsive. But still it has a lot of cons and limitation as a platform. I think I should move forward and invest time to move it from Notion.
I've checked Bubble as well. Seems, that community is small there, so it wasn't on my shortlist. Worth trying?
@anna_golovchenko Glad to help! I personally haven't used it for any projects, but functionality wise, I know it's very robust. It allows you to build apps and create the workflows for them which is something I haven't found in other no-code dev tools. More on the technical end for sure, but I'd check out their showcase page (https://bubble.io/showcase) to see what it allows you to do.
@anna_golovchenko I think you should use Wordpress here as you want generic format for most of the content and Wordpress is scalable and comparatively development friendly and cheap.
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