I’m Anthony Ware, Principal at AWare Catalysts, AMA 🧠
I’ve had a spicy gumbo of life experiences. After almost 10 years of working in the corporate world, I left my job as a commercial real estate advisor to start my first business. 🚀That’s where life got interesting…co-founding a logistics business, founding an infosec biz and securing partnership with a major university and a spot in an accelerator. Crashed and burned, then taught yoga before getting back into the startup world from eco-friendly products to high-growth healthcare tech…all while living in 6 different cities😀
Now, I’m focused on helping underestimated founders (people of Color, Women, LGBTQ+) create mental wealth to impact their lives and biz. 🧠
👨🏾💻Here to answer your questions about life, tech, switching industries, reinventing your life, company culture, self-care, meditation, living out of a carry-on, overcoming burnout, me, and whatever I left out ✈️
Hustle Crew Academy