Irina Seng

💬What apps in slack do you use at work?


At Vectorly, we use Miro and Trello integration.

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Not sure this counts but we use the Giphy integration A LOT 😄
Roman Tsegelskyi
Google Drive (really handy to reply to comments in various documents), Github, Sentry, SlackShare (to share links from Chrome to Slack)
Austin Marks
We use trello and zoom integration!
Austin Marks
@irina_seng LOL, very true. We actually had never used zoomed until 5-6 months back when some of our advisers started asking us to schedule meetings with them via that. Beside that it's an awesome platform, the integration with slack is sooo nice. One simple "/zoom" and you're ready to go. We love it.
Zoom, Trello and Geekbot for daily standup meetings
Austin Marks
@romain_ouzeau Never used Geekbot. Worth learning and trying out?
@austinmeta if you prefer asynchronous communication as much as I do then it's worth giving it a try for your daily stand up meetings ;)
Jackson Trapp
Gotta use Google Drive and Trello!
Robert Zalaudek
We use Trello and our own productivity app which we launched here on PH in November called Pomodus.
Kiran Bhat
GitHub, Giphy and our home-grown Loomie app for profile pics and personalized stickers/emojis.
Prince Boucher
Donut for setting up coffees between new community members.