Mighty Alex

UI Faces - Avatars for design mockups

UI Faces is aggregator for people avatars that you can use in your design mockups.

Each photo is processed and tagged with age, gender, emotion and hair color for easier filtration and sorting.

The avatars can be used by copy and paste, API, Sketch plugin and Adobe XD plugin.

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Scott Bowler
Do you have peoples permission to use their photos?
Mighty Alex
@scotty_bowler Hi Scott. UI Faces only aggregates links from websites with free to use photos such as Unsplash, Pexels, Diverse UI, etc.
Mighty Alex
Hello Product Hunters 👋, 🗓️ Few months ago I needed to integrate large number of people avatars in app for testing. I quickly coded a IMDB profile photos scrapper. After few weeks I decided to expand it into user facing app which aggregates avatars from multiple sources. 🤖 I scrapped over 1000 photos and had to sort and process each for easier filtration. Now the avatars are ordered by popularity and each is tagged with age, gender, emotion and hair color using Microsoft’s Face API. 😍 The avatars can be used via copy—paste, API, plugins for Sketch, Adobe XD and Figma.
Cam Burley
Such a simple and annoying problem. Great solution! 👌
Raining Blobs
Lee Qixian
I love this! Very useful for devs and designers.
Volhan Salai
Looks great! Good job.
Kalina Zografska
Congrats, looks awesome!
Kurt Madsen
Seems like a bit of a ripoff of @calebogden's http://www.uifaces.com/, tbh.
Mighty Alex
@calebogden @damenleeturks Hi Kurt, can you specify please which part you see as a ripoff?
Logan Boyd
@damenleeturks I don't think it is even close to what you would call a ripoff of that site. Looking at both sites, .co uses actually decent photographs of CC0 Licensed Images, with links to them, while the .com version is using twitter profile pictures (which they may or may not have given permission to even use). This one is much safer to use, because he even links to the images, which are all found on free stock photography websites. Not even that, but the .com version uses some bad quality images and some of them aren't even actual photographs of people.
Torugo Prando
Great! Any plans for an Adobe XD integration?
Mighty Alex
@torugo Adobe XD doesn't support plugins yet.
Mighty Alex
@torugo The wait is over. XD launched support for plugins yesterday and guess which plugin is in the featured list and can be used right now. 😄
Surjith S M
I thought this is https://uifaces.com/
Mighty Alex
@surjithctly I hope you were positively surprised ☺️
Surjith S M
@mightyalex Yup liked it by seeing more faces :) I would also like to see an option to increase the avatar sizes and shape as in the other site.
Mighty Alex
@surjithctly I never understood why is that feature useful, you can shape your avatars in your preferred design tool. Do you screenshot a bunch of avatars instead of using them one by one?
Surjith S M
@mightyalex Yes we can. but still its cool to check whether its good for our scenario. eg: some areas we need that bit smaller and some bigger in other areas. so its cool to check which avatar performs well in that particular size.
Mighty Alex
@surjithctly Got it, I will implement the feature, thanks for the suggestion.
Varvara Mikhaseva
Jeremy Scharlack
Looks great. My only worry is that I'd have to confirm that I can use these people's faces if I use it for anything beyond an internal presentation. But you have links to where it came from — unsplash, randomuser, etc — so I can go there and check it out if I need to..
Ski Clouds Developers
I love this 😍. Usually find it difficult to find faces of African people to use on my designs but this just took the load off. Bookmarking this for life. 😁
Adam Reis
So I've carefully selected a bunch of avatars I'd like to use... where is the download button to download my selection?
Mighty Alex
@adamreisnz There is no bulk download as a feature now, I could probably add it in the future.
Adam Reis
@mightyalex That'd be useful, as I don't see another point really of being able to select multiple avatars at this stage :)
Mighty Alex
@adamreisnz You can't select multiple avatars, do you mean the filters form? :)
Adam Reis
@mightyalex You can, and I did. I thought it was the intended UI... See screenshot:
Mighty Alex
@adamreisnz That style appears on right click when you download/copy image, so you know you've used it in your project :)
Emilio Iantorno
cool .....but documentation to use the api...how do you compile the url..im having trouble.
Mighty Alex
@emilio_iantorno You have everything here https://uifaces.co/api-docs, but if you need more help DM me.
Emilio Iantorno
@mightyalex The url string that i put into the craft plugin what is it? http://uifaces.co/my api key??????...appreciate the help
Mighty Alex
@emilio_iantorno Unfortunately our API is not public thus it can't be used in the Craft plugin. But you can use our Sketch Plugin https://uifaces.co/sketch-plugin
Mighty Alex
@emilio_iantorno I plan to add a feature for everyone that has bought the Sketch plugin to additionally receive a personal access to our API which can be used also in the Craft plugin.
Why can I only use it on a rectangle, the ellipse option can't be selected?
Mighty Alex
@new_user_19846ccfde is this the Sketch or Adobe XD plugin?