Mansurul Haque

UIHUT 2.0 - 15,000+ design & code resources


Download thousands of free & premium web design, illustration, bootstrap template, flutter app, icon, 3d illustration, and graphic assets for your UI, UX design project

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Mansurul Haque
Hey Everyone! ❀️ 
I am Mansurul Haque founder of UIHUT. I am super excited to share UIHUT 2.0 and the road map with amazing PH community πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

 We have redesigned our entire platform to improve the user experience. We have added lots of features with design & code resources.

 Here are the updates 🌟🌟🌟  Added Code resources πŸ‘‘ 500+ HTML web template & blocks ( Bootstrap ) - New 500+ πŸ‘‘ 8 complete code app projects with 200+ UI Kit ( Flutter ) - New 8 🌟🌟🌟 Added Design Resources ❀️ 2000+ Web Templates & Blocks (Figma, Sketch, XD) - ( New 1000+ ) ❀️ 1000+ Mobile App UI Kit (Figma, Sketch, XD) - ( New 500+ ) ❀️ 1000+ Web App UI Kit (Figma, Sketch, XD) - ( New 900+ ) ❀️ 2500+ Illustrations Packs (Figma, Sketch, XD) - ( New 300+ ) ❀️ 9000+ Icons (SVG, PNG) - ( New 1000+ ) ❀️ 100+ 3D Assets - ( New 100+ ) 🌟🌟🌟 UIHUT Redesign πŸ”₯ Updated home page design with others πŸ”₯ Mood-board open for public πŸ”₯ White and dark mode πŸ”₯ Changed design thumbnail size πŸ”₯ Improved navigation design πŸ”₯ Added similar product and mood-board access functions on Single product page design With more… 🌟🌟🌟 UIHUT public roadmap We are offering a 10% Discount on the Lifetime plan for PH Community. Use the code uihut2 on checkout. Feel free to share your feedback and questions. Thanks, Mansurul Haque
Musharof Chowdhury
@mansurul_haque Massive numbers! 😻 I know how much time and effort takes to create that many resources, congrats on the launch πŸš€
Mansurul Haque
@musharofchy It's a huge thing to get that kind of review from our very early users. Thanks a lot for believing us from the beginning.
nuwan danthanarayana
This is a amazing and has a unique development strategy. This is one of the strong project.
Mansurul Haque
@nuwan_danthanarayana Thank you so much. We are trying to provide best useful design resources on the internet.
Shekh Al Raihan
Full of useful collection of UI-kits & Icons. Now codes ❀️
Mansurul Haque
@rtralrayhan Thanks a lot. It's a really big thing to get that kind of love
QNET Social
Mansurul Haque
@qnet_social Thanks a lot
Dmitry Korzhik
Very useful for my designer. Congrats with your launch!:)
Mansurul Haque
@krzk Really glad to hear that. Actually we are working on it. UIHUT focuses to provide useful and quality resources for designers, developers, and entrepreneurs.
Kawsar Ahmed
Wow what's a amazing apps
Musharrof Shishir
Great Product! Now I can easily grab a design and start coding! :D
Mansurul Haque
@musharrof_shishir Yes exactly, We are working on it. Thanks a lot for loving us.
Bertha Kgokong
This is amazing, and the lifetime deal is also enticing. For me, the web templates would be the most useful, your designs are neat and modern - will def pick one here for my next project.
Mansurul Haque
@berthakgokong Really appreciate it. After getting that kind of feedback definitely, we will try to give the best design and code resources on the internet. Thank You
Janak Parmar
Congratulation for This amazing and has a unique development strategy.
Gabriela Kalkerup
Nice job!
Dawn Veltri
Damn, this is so awesome!!
Mansurul Haque
@dawn_veltri1 Thank you so much. Really appreciate your feedback
Nitesh Manav
This is already amazing. Using it since V1. Best wishes for superhit launch on PH @mansurul_haque
Mansurul Haque
@niteshmanav Thanks a lot for your support from the beginning.
Md Salehin Khan
Hats off to your effort! & Congratulation on V2 launch
Mansurul Haque
@md_salehin_khan Thank you so much
congrats on the launch!
Mansurul Haque
@pradeeb28 Thanks. Take love from UIHUT
anik lal
Julia Palamarchuk
Cool! ))
Mansurul Haque
@julia_palamarchuk Thank you so much
Rohan Rahian
Great update brother πŸ™ŒπŸ€© Specially the coded version πŸ‘Œ.. will check and congratulations 🎊
Mansurul Haque
@rohanrahian1 Thanks a lot. Take love
Aleksei Shabalin
Looks great!
Mansurul Haque
@alexshb Thank you so much
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Mansurul Haque
@faridur_rahman Glad to hear that. Thank you.
Sanjoy Roy polash
Congratulations excited to try codes .....
Mansurul Haque
@roypolash95 Thank you so much