
Uber Beacon - A light to find your Uber easily


Uber Beacon is a new light-up windshield icon that glows in a color chosen by riders in the Uber app. Beacon’s color-matching technology makes it easier—and faster—for riders to find their drivers, especially at night and in crowded areas.

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Josef Richter
I think Uber needs a moral beacon more than anything.
Brock Azure
Uber Instagramming Lyft.
Virrindra V Argekar
Hmm quite interesting! Its quite a hassle to keep looking for the number plate and esp in the crowded places. Wonder the fun when multiple Uber guys might use the same beacon colors. BTW, the link is broken [ or even ]
Ganesh Babu
With so many products fighting for space on the windshield and the dashboard of a car, soon we will need cable management for wires inside cars. Excellent idea. Execution could have been better.
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
Hmm 🤔This is just to show the rider where their Uber is. *Idea*: since riders always flash their phones at who they think is their driver anyways, why not have the rider’s app light up in the corresponding color so that the driver can also identify their rider?
Chris Raethke
@nassaraf I saved a bright pink/purple single color image to my iphone that I would hold up when I knew my Lyft driver was approaching. So many asked me if it was a feature of the rider app.
Without looking at the pictures I thought this was going to be an augmented reality feature in finding your uber. Somewhat disappointed.
Ravi Garg
@nyjetlife Yes, with in the app they could have very easily used Google street view and show the actual car popping up with make, color and distance.
Jerry Becker
playing catch-up @Lyft
Aditya Devaguptapu
Lyft have had these lamps for quite sometime now- these lamps would even flash a greeting message at the passenger once they got inside the car. I remember being blown away by the idea because it was a great design that actually tackled a major problem that commuters face (Unlike a lot of flashy products that are mostly about the looks and not the problem solving) That said, I also like the form factor of the sensors that Uber are using. Look forward to seeing them on the roads
A 2.5 min. unboxing video for a light that you stick on your windshield. Brilliant.
Mehdi Izemmour
Brilliant! Love it.
Jamie R
They announced this last year. Plate and car colour enough for me.
Nathaniel Dadzie
Wait so...It's a light to show you where/which car your uber is. Doesn't uber have that thing where there's a big icon on your phone that works pretty accurately with GPS? Also, licence plate number? As if their burn rate wasn't high enough!
Stefan Aichholzer
I had to laugh... Again, a company taking something that has been around for ages, making it hipster and suddenly they have invented boiling water. Taxi signs my friends, taxi signs. Folks at Uber, I will make this simple and cheap for you. Borrow some inspiration from taxis around you. See the bright signs on the roof? - Yes, you can clearly see them at night. Well, there you go...
Youssef Sarhan
I literally gave Uber this idea in 2013. I even called it Uber Beacons, and I made sure Travis and the team saw it. I am taking 100% credit for inspiring them. lol. Tru dat. Here's my idea from my 2013 tumblr: Here's my Tweets to Travis about it: (The URL in my Tweet is broken because I no longer use custom domains on my Tumblr, so just use the link above.)
Simon Persson
Hmm nice. However. What's the real plan here? Getting a uber beacon into every car just for a "windshield light-up"? What more could Uber do with a beacon?
Joshua Dance
This is super useful, especially for someone that can't figure out cars make and model on sight. :) Like me.
Brandon McConnell
How does this differ from the light-up Uber logos drivers have had on their inside windshields for the past 6-12 months?
A light-in-fog projection of name/colour vertically into the sky (hologram like) from the top of the roof would have been way cooler
Cesar Sacconi Falcao
Reading this *before* breakfast made me see Uber
viral patel
waiting to use it, hope this will come to India..