@michaelbabich I would venture to say amongst a population of celebrities, iOS is way more popular. Plus, the consensus is still that it's easier to build for iOS than Android. So start there, and if successful, build android. It's not a coincidence why this is the approach 80% of startups take.
@taykcrane Doubt that. The only reason is that many developers, especially in US, are Apple funboys and think mostly in product+Apple category—not user base and user engagement category. The best example was with Facebook trying to take over Android homescreen with it's absolutely unusable Home app for Android. That was total fail by people who do not understand its audience, but think only product+Apple.
@michaelbabich You think that's the only reason? So virtually every mobile app that gets launched here on Product Hunt is built by apple fanboys who don't understand that if only they built an android app instead, they would have access to way more users.
Reasons you build iOS first:
- It's quicker (no fragmentation)
- It's cheaper (https://infinum.co/the-capsized-...)
- More money is spent in the iOS store than the Android store (iPhone owners have more disposable income, on average)
Just a couple off the top of my head. I'm not saying every app should be built iOS first, but I'm pretty tired of all the complaints about why it's done that way. There are some very good reasons.
@taykcrane I'd agree if we'd talk about a paid app. In a startup case, especially with a free to use app, the primary goal is growth and getting more users. Android market share is about 4 times bigger than iOS. Even if a startup does everything great in marketing and growth hacking, it basically could get 4 times less users than with going Android first. Simple math: the same CAC could get 4 times more users on Android than on iOS.
Often this growth dynamic is critical for survival, investments and startup future in general. So, yes, tactically going with an iOS app first is wrong decision. It only looks from a developer/founder point of view that whole audience uses iOS. It worth the efforts to release Android app first.
@michaelbabich Again, what you are essentially saying is that 80% of apps today made the categorically wrong decision. The biggest, most forward-thinking tech companies in the world often go iOS first for a number of reasons. And it's not because they're "apple fanboys".
And lastly, your 4x bigger market statistic is extremely flawed. A very large % of "android users" are:
- using cheap knockoff androids
- running Android 2.2, or some other crazy fork of that
- Don't have any reliable internet connection in the first place
- are extremely cost-conscious
- etc. etc.
The sooner you stop dismissing an iOS first launch as stupid, the better. It's a very intentional decision made over and over again for legitimate reasons. If it wasn't for React Native, the mobile app I'm building now would be iOS first without question.
Funny, @jason has been suggesting something like this on TWiST for the past several months as a reaction to all the trolling and haters that people encounter on Twitter, especially public figures. This is quite similar to Facebook Mentions, a standalone app that Facebook verified can use.
Twitter's blog says the app will be available in the App Store shortly.
UPDATE: It's in the App Store now (U.S. only though, unfortunately)
UPDATE #2: Apparently it's available outside of the U.S. A few PH folks downloaded from Germany and the UK.
@rrhoover Here's @jason Blog Post on this: http://calacanis.com/2015/02/06/... This new Engage app sort of only covers half of it, now that you can see "Verified Accounts" only - the question is, how does a company that values transparency not have a policy on how Verified Accounts are given (or taken away?)
@rrhoover@jasonhttp://www.labnol.org/software/a... Easy way to open UK / US App store account without a credit card. Can only use this to download free apps. (I don't actually know if this works as I do have a legit US / UK / SG iTunes account but it's Amit Aggarwal... so I trust him 100%! :) Engage is not available in Singapore
I love the idea of this! Twitter can get so noisy when you follow more than a few hundred people... I just don't understand why Twitter announces these things before the link is live :)
For the longest time I've been seeking Twitter Verification not for the stupid blue checkmark but for this type of functionality as I tweet 80-100 times a day and managing this type of data an interaction would help me save time and become more targeted within a Twitter app rather. I would like to see some settings and customization but after 10 mins with the app I can see massive value for me and the twitter brand accounts that I run!
Yes, everyone COULD use this but why on Earth would they? This is for the 1%ers and not a product that will move the needle for Twitter, although it might slightly slow down Vine defectors to Snapchat and Facebook Live. What's next? 140 seconds videos? Yes and I kid you not! Time for a nap now after I call my stockbroker and buy some shorts. 😴💤💤💤
How does Twitter decide influencers ? Also, verified accounts have always been a blackbox - can someone from Twitter shed some light on:
1. How do you decide someone's account should be verified ?
2. How do you verify them ?
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