So nostalgic! I have many fond memories watching The Screensavers right after school with @leolaporte, @kevinrose, @sarahlane, and many others. I was sad to see it fade away after Tech TV became G4 although we might not have if it stuck around.
I hope the dark tipper returns. 😃
@leolaporte So pumped, TSS was a major piece of my childhood. It's like a long lost childhood friend has returned. What an awesome feeling. @leolaporte what a long way you've come since Episode #000 "Return of the Screen Savers" :)
We have so many TechTV fans and who else should do "The New Screen Savers" besides Leo? We have so many amazing guests booked for the first few shows and I expect the list to get even longer. Check out all of the behind the scenes photos at:
@kevinace Shows will record live at 3p Pacific/6p Eastern Saturdays starting May 2. The downloadable version will be available about four hours later at or you can subscribe in your favorite podcast client.
Super excited about the return of TSS. Rotating co-hosts will include Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, Mike Elgan and more!
This show has been in the works for a while, and there is some amazing stuff planned. Stay tuned!
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