Hey All,
I'm part of the team at Social Media Calendar. We're very happy to be on Product Hunt & share something we've made with you all.
How'd this start?
We interviewed hundreds of social media managers and felt the pain ourselves. As marketers and social media managers, we feel the pain of content creation and missing out on opportunities to grow on major events/holidays that trend. Many holidays, from Denim Day to National Puppy Day to St. Paddy's Day, are opportunities to be relevant to your audience and drive engagement.
The Social Media Calendar gives you 7 days notice on these major events. Plus, we include the popular hashtags for that holiday, six photos that are relevant for you to post & social media guides to give you expert insights into social media growth.
Our hope is to make it easier and less stressful to grow & drive engagement on social media for your product.
@miccohen Hey Micah! This is a great idea. I remember working the social media manager role a few years ago and using Checkiday.com pretty religiously, and adding the high quality photos is a great idea! I just signed up, thanks so much for sharing!
it looks like " Timenote - social tool " with less features
Timenote is a mobile app, the first social calendar online since 2015.
Follow what you like and don't miss an event!
Timenote does also synchronisation like Sunrise, with Google calendar, Outlook, FB Event, Meetup, Eventbrit, Evernote.
Threat Modeling e-book