I cmd+tab to Tweetdeck at least 1,000,000 times every day. It's the best power user app and the search columns are super useful (I see every tweet that mentions "@producthunt AND product hunt AND producthunt".
If they started charging $50/mo tomorrow, I'd pay up.
I use the iOS client to manage all my social media feeds, but I don't actually love it. Maybe someone should make a better one. Better add this to YC's RFS!
Love it, use it everyday, same story as Ryan - if they wanted to charge me I'd definitely pay up. There's only one thing - when you excluding over a dozen of words, it stops working (and believe me, when you monitor 'live chat' you have to exclude A LOT of words).
Tweetdeck is great for managing multiple accounts, watching search results, watching lists, filtering tweets, scheduling tweets...basically the best official Twitter client.
Is there any need to build in some quick natural language processing and text analytics into Tweetdeck? I imagine it'd be good to sort your retweets by sentiment for example, or figure out what the top 5 keywords are associated with you branding or marketing tweet? Check out how to use Textbox (text analysis ML as a Docker container) to do just that : https://blog.machinebox.io/incre...
Product Hunt