Very similar to Houseparty but focused on watching (cat) videos together. The addition of videos could be a nice icebreaker for this kind of social interaction, giving people a reason to hangout.
Will play with this tonight. 🎉
@rrhoover So Houseparty, Uptime and Hangouts had a baby ..called CABANA? Yahoo released a video app where you sent silent video messages back and forth like a year or so ago right?
That's a fun app! but I ask myself, there was already such an app, Rounds, that allowed watching live videos and play games together. It raised tenths of millions from Sequoia etc, but then was sold to Qik and the app was closed down. ( . Houseparty was also raising $50 lately (again, from Sequoia) but it is experiencing a plateau now. Can you please explain why is this going to work now?
You thought Facebook copying Snapchat stories was bad? This is Tumblr just copying an entire app and just adding one new feature. I'll stick with Houseparty. I am sure they will just steal this idea from Tumblr in a week or so....And then no one will be original again
I think this an interesting concept as far as promoting group activity. I am curious to see how they will continue to iterate and innovative because Houseparty could very easily add a feature like this. Do you have to have a video playing in order to communicate? Would be interesting if they added a feature were group members could use emojis to react to specific parts of the video they are viewing.
Hard to find friends through the Yahoo log in. Would love to scan my Facebook friends, or by proximity. Or you can add me (tollerton) if you don't mind watching all the FailArmy videos together! 😜
Seems like an aggregation of technology thats already having a difficult time of gaining / maintaining users. However, will test the product out tonight to see what the differences (if any) are between Cabana and House Party.
Design aesthetics are quite nice though!
Great concept, I'll wait for the Android version to play around with it. Having said that, a Tumblr app, and one for streaming videos no less? They can't handle simple GIFs reasonably. I'm a bit skeptic.
I wonder what are their plans for sustainability i.e. monetization model apart from ads. I would love to see a different one here. As far as I understand social apps need to have a clear differentiation in terms of features and product positioning to become successful e.g. Instagram - Powerful picture editing. Periscope - Live index of the world. Snapchat - Stories with focus on teens. I intentionally chose these examples that came after 1st wave of Social Networks. Unfortunately, I am unable to understand if watching video together is compelling enough. I will track this app. Good luck, Yahoo!
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