Austin Cooley here, co-founder of Tripstr. I'm stoked about this launch—Tripstr represents the culmination of years of hard work by our team.
Our vision from the very beginning has been to spread the wealth of travel knowledge we all possess after returning from a great trip. The realization was that the current ways of sharing that information require WAY too much work (ask any travel blogger…it's a full time job), and we knew we could simplify the process by taking advantage of the metadata in our phones.
The end result is an app that (a) finds all the trips you've taken, (b) instantly builds a detailed itinerary with specifics about the places you've visited and (c) presents it in a beautiful, memorable way. The end result feels a lot like Pinterest or TripAdvisor (see, but the difference is that each post on Tripstr is 100% authentic: backed by real trips taken by real people.
We'd love to hear your thoughts. This has been an incredibly challenging project, both from an engineering and design perspective. You can read about the process we took here if you're interested!
Recently went on a 10 day national parks trip with my wife and Tripstr helped us turn hundreds of photos into an awesome tripstr trip we can share and reminisce!
@mphreak Thanks! All the the magic actually happens on device (scanning you photo library and organizing the photos). Once you choose to 'Edit a Journal', we start uploading photos from that trip so that you can share it on the web and with other users.
After the sync is finished, you can still set the journal to 'private', which means it can only be seen with the link. Thoughts?
@bsunter Awesome! And thanks, the web interface is really the piece that brings it all together. Places + Maps + Photos makes for an awesome experience pretty much every time.
@adamnreed thanks, it was really fun to build. It's a Universal (isomorphic) React app, with Redux for store/state management. The maps are built on Mapbox, which made it incredibly easy to build the flyover animations. Essentially as you scroll, the global application state updates and the Map updates itself accordingly.
The only hiccup was the combination of Mapbox GL (front-end javascript library) and Universal React. Any time you try running a 'browser only' library on the backend nodejs server, it complains about not having access to `window`. I'll be posting a blog post soon about it :)
Hey Austin -- really slick app. Curious how your seeing people use this. It is used mainly for documenting long/planned trips or are users finding value in documenting every day photos & experiences?
@destroysultan thanks! Most people start out with the one or two longs trips on their phone that they wouldn't have shared otherwise. From there, the app does really well with shorter day trips, but we aren't seeing the every day sharing, nor was that really the intent.
The main use case for returning to Tripstr in between trips is similar to why you'd use Pinterest…getting inspiration for future trips and collecting places. We're looking to really enhance that functionality in the coming weeks!
I love this and was about to download the app to create some past trips I made this year and then remembered I store my pics in Amazon Photo. So, with that in mind, are there plans to integrate with services like Dropbox, Google Photo, Amazon Photo etc...?
I have seen a lot of interest in this space off late. Quite a few apps in India as well; but this one is by far the easiest of them all to use. Good job guys
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