Jack Smith

Tribeworthy for Chrome - Review online articles with your fellow news consumers


Tribeworthy is connecting news consumers, bringing word-of-mouth and reputation to online news.

Know what other news consumers think about an article the moment you land on it. Review articles through the extension, without ever having to visit tribeworthy.com.

"We're outsmarting clickbait, together."

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Rishabh Bose
Using the power of the crowd to review articles is pretty awesome. Good work. What's the incentive for the user to review for others? I think if you crack that part, you'll have a pretty good chance to a viral crowd-sourced product.
Chase Palmieri
Thanks @rishabh_bose and great question. There are a few different incentives at play right now: it's a more proactive way to voice your frustration with an article than comment sections, users feel more productive as they pay it forward to the next reader, status can be gained on the platform through a User's Rating, and people that are motivated to see real change in the quality of online journalism. But I agree with you that the incentive for reviewers is a puzzle that still needs cracking. Any ideas? What would motivate you to review articles more often?
Jared Fesler
@rishabh_bose Creating some form of awards for top news critics has crossed my mind more than once Rishabh. Those with high User Trust Ratings earn a higher weight to their reviews and are recognized at the top of the reviews. What do you think?
Chintan Karnik
@chasepalmieri The success of platform will motivate. Thats how reddit gets so much user interaction. Its always a chicken and egg story.
Chase Palmieri
@chintankarnik You're absolutely right. Reddit proliferated the platform in their early days with a lot of "fake" content, which is something our platform can't really do. Our goal has always been to make reviewing articles incredibly easy and natural to someone's current newsgathering. But on top of that, we need to find a community of news junkies that enjoy leaving their critiques on articles. I happen to be one of those people, so I know we exist hahah. But it's a real challenge to find those early reviewers whose participation creates the fly-wheel for real growth to happen. Do you have any idea how we could get around our specific chicken-egg problem?
Jared Fesler
@chasepalmieri @chintankarnik Scale is relatively a small numbers game for us. I calculated need about 10,500 reviews a day to cover nearly every news article produced in a 24 hour period. Even at Yelp's 1% review rate per total user base, we have a shot of baking the virality into the article rating pages themselves.
Jared Fesler
There are two barriers to you reaching news you can trust. 1) news publishers focused on earning your clicks, not your trust and 2) you have no tools to hold online authors accountable. Does our chrome extension solve these problems? Let's have a discussion.
Chris Messina
@feslerjared @chasepalmieri what do you guys think about doing an integration with Refind? i.e. enabling this for my Refind account — and having it integrate w/ their service/site/extension? They already have a Refind Bar that has annotations and information about what you're looking at... as a Firefox user (currently) I'm not sure I'll be able to get the most out of this Chrome Extension.
Chase Palmieri
@chrismessina We like Refind! I'm curious if you think integrating with Refind would be more useful than Tribeworthy coming out with the Firefox version of the extension? Are you thinking Tribeworthy could garner more reviews by providing the review process to users on Refind?
Chris Messina
@chasepalmieri I was able to install the extension using Chrome Store Foxified — so I'll see how it works out! Just seems like the kind of thing that would be a good match for the Refind content ecosystem. I'd also like to see twitter.com integration — maybe w/ an embedded review in link previews in tweets that would help me decide whether to click through or not?
Jared Fesler
@chrismessina Hey Chris, I'm glad you were able to get it downloaded. What you said at the end is precisely how we envision Tribeworthy's ratings being used in the future. Just as you see Rotten Tomatoes ratings next to movies in the iTunes store, the goal is to display our article ratings next to articles wherever they are, helping news consumers decide for themselves which articles are worth reading. Having Tribeworthy integrated with Refind would be great, especially if Refind was displaying Tribeworthy ratings next to their content. If you can put us in touch with their team, we'd love to explore that option!
Chris Messina
@feslerjared I pinged @dominikg for you.
Chase Palmieri
Hey everyone! We did what any decent platform would do and listened to what our users wanted. Tribeworthy users wanted to review the articles they were already reading and be able to see an article's rating right as they land on it. The Chrome extension achieves that and more! The extension allows you to: -Get notified of an article’s rating right when you land on it -See at a glance what other news consumers trust or distrust, and why -Post new articles to tribeworthy.com simply by giving it its first review -Review articles wherever you go, pointing out biases, logical fallacies, and mistakes to your fellow news consumers. -Up-vote/down-vote other users’ reviews -To sum it up, we’ve connected news consumers and made it easy to hold authors and news outlets accountable for their publications Here is what you can expect as the extension improves: -Suggested relevant articles -Beautifully integrated search functionality -Rating pages for every author and news outlet -Social sharing integration for article rating pages -Invite someone you know to review a specific article -Sign-up functionality within the extension(Facebook and Twitter integration included) -Complete redesign and further gamification of the review process For those of you eager to use the extension with a different browser, we will be supporting Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Edge soon(can’t give a hard date yet) Our team has worked for 2 years, put in over 5,000 hours, conducted more than 1,000 interviews with audience engagement journalists, media literacy educators, and news consumers- so we hope the insights show through in the product. Looking forward to hearing your feedback! Tribeworthy Team
Joshua Dance
Installed the Chrome extension. If it delivers this could be awesome.
Jared Fesler
@joshdance How can we help 'deliver' this product for you? Does it come down to the number of reviews per article?
Joshua Dance
@feslerjared I think it comes down to the coverage, and the accuracy. If it turns into people voting article up and down based on their opinions, would miss the mark. If it is a way to factual analysis and a general valid sentiment around articles, could be great!
Jared Fesler
@joshdance I think you're spot on. To help facilitate valid and helpful reviews we'll be tweaking the up/down-vote to include "Helpful" "Not Helpful". People's opinion on the topic will be less helpful while, as you said, "factual analysis and general valid sentiment" would be helpful. What do you think of that potential change?
Afanasiy Savvin
Hi guys, thanks for sharing! I like your concept! Keep on going!
Jared Fesler
@afanasiy Thanks for the support Afanasiy!
Jared Fesler
If anyone has been clicking the small icon at the top right of your chrome browser and expecting something... we're sorry. You need to land on a news article to see the benefits of the extension. We did this so you didn't get bombarded when there was no reviews... @joshdance was nice enough to give us some helpful feedback on how to reduce this confusion. THanks Josh!
Niccolò Granieri

I have been using this platform since it's beta release. I have always been a big fan of the concept, and the multiple development iterations. Unfortunately, after a while of constant use I didn't have time to use the platform as much as I wanted because of it's detached nature from news and articles. I was longing for a browser integration. Now that the extension is finally a reality, I have seen my usage spike again, reading and reviewing articles on a daily basis and finding useful reviews to guide me through the multiple media outlets! This project is becoming something amazing!


Easy way to make your way through the "news jungle" on a daily basis. Practical, trustworthy, fast and integrated! Love it!


The main con was a lack of a browser integration, but that has been solved with the chrome extension!

Jared Fesler
Thank you for the kind words and sticking with us through all of our iterations Niccolo!
Jared Fesler
We're super happy to hear everyone's feedback on our chrome extension. Check out the full description to learn what the extension does now and what we have planned for the future.
Valentina Garcia

I love when I go to a news article that has been rated and the little window shows up giving me the opinion of other readers. It's so exciting to read something you know others are thinking about and then to see what they have to say.


easy to use; not too obtrusive; useful information


It's brand new

Jared Fesler
Thanks for the review Valentina! How many reviews per article make the information useful to you?
Garrett Maring

There's a real value add here for seeing what people are saying about the quality of a news article. The Tribeworthy community, while small and growing, is very high quality. There is an active effort to encourage unbiased critiques of news.


True value add; easy to use; good community


Not much. More reviews will make the platform more powerful.

Chase Palmieri
Thanks @garrett_a_maring, appreciate the support!
Karim Maassen
As the founder of http://www.nwzer.com I can only applaud this! I'm checking it out!
Jared Fesler
@karimmaassen Thanks for checking us our Karim. HOpe to hear your feedback on how we can improve!