Hayden Williams

Treatings 2.0 - The first reputation-based professional network

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Hayden Williams
Hey all, I'm a co-founder at Treatings. We're excited to be on Product Hunt today launching Treatings 2.0. Our mission continues to be to help you discover and chat with the right people for your career, but we've designed a brand new experience based on feedback from Treatings 1.0. Treatings 1.0 was a utility - members added career interests and the app suggested nearby people to chat with. The problem is that it wasn't fun and it wasn't social. Treatings 2.0 includes an activity feed, search functionality and reputation system. The activity feed highlights active people in your city and what they're up to. Search allows you to find nearby members who have the background you're looking for. The reputation system rewards users who have piqued the interest of the community and contributed to it in various ways. You can boost your reputation by being approachable, responsive and proactive. Shout-out to @emilmikhailov @joeycofone @adamkornfield @iliasbeshimov @allmakebelieve @510_boatswain @alain94040 @eglozman for the feedback when we launched Treatings 1.0 here back in March. I'll be here all day if anyone has any feedback or questions. Especially curious what people think about the reputation system: what members should be rewarded for, and what kinds of special privileges may come with higher scores.
Chris Backe
@howillia Will take a look, sounds interesting. Off the cuff: better / higher placement in search results, and something that'll stand out IRL. I stopped using TripAdvisor because accumulating points stopped being fun when you realized what they were worth in the real world.
Hayden Williams
@oneweirdglobe that's great feedback. One way we can reward people is by making it easy for people with high scores to connect with others who have also built up reputation within the community. Thanks again for the good ideas!
Adam Kornfield
I've been a Treatings user for a long time now. Great app, loving the new update!
Hayden Williams
@adamkornfield thanks Adam, really appreciate it!
Joey Cofone
Excited to try this out. I've used Treatings 1.0 to meet incredible people here in NYC.
Hayden Williams
@joeycofone you've been a great member of the community....and looks like you're close to a triple digit reputation score!
Sydney Liu
Tried out Treatings when it was on web I believe (a while back). Unfortunately I'm an Android user so can't try it out now, the update looks cool though.
Hayden Williams
@sydney_liu_sl thanks for the note, apologies for the delay in getting on Android. Now that v2 of the app is live we can focus on getting an Android app out there.
Wish Ronquillo
@howillia I am looking forward to your Android version. Any target time to launch?
Patrick Loonstra
Sound great. Hopefully this will add some more value to the existing LinkedIn network. Is it build on top of LI or is that only used to easily import info to give users a head start?
Hayden Williams
@buxx we do utilize LinkedIn authentication, but only to take some background profile information (work experience, schools, etc) so people don't have to re-enter their info. Since Treatings is all about meeting new people, once inside the app you add career interests and start chatting with people outside your preexisting network.
Elise Ramsay
This is awesome! Really looking forward to using this to meet people after moving to a new city. ✌️
Hayden Williams
@eliseramsay great to hear from you! Everyone on Treatings is open to chatting so hopefully it proves useful in getting to know folks in your new city. You can also change your city (in Edit Profile) if you're ever traveling and want to meet people on the road. Welcome!
Congrats Hayden and Paul! You've come such a long way -- and oh how your persistence has paid off. This looks amazing and I am very proud of you both.
Hayden Williams
@taliban thanks, really appreciate it!
Richard Burton
Anyone trying to chip away at LinkedIn deserves our support 👊
Hal Gottfried
Is this a similar idea to Trust Cloud (they seem to have changed a bit recently) , MiiCard etc
Hal Gottfried
Oh wait, it's completely different. I'm sorry I didn't understand, this like LinkedIn wants to be!
the link says it's not available in the US Itunes store...bummer.