Beniamin Marcu

TravelAI - Your personal travel assistant powered by AI

Travel effortlessly with our AI-powered travel planning app. Easily create personalized itineraries for your dream destinations. Save time and stress by letting artificial intelligence handle the details. Access our app and start planning your next adventure!

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Beniamin Marcu
Hi, PH community, I'm excited to share my latest project - Travel Plan AI, a travel app powered by AI that generates personalized itineraries for users. I built this MVP in just one weekend, learning, coding, and launching it to the world. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm thrilled to say that it has received over 5k views on Reddit, where I first shared it. The app allows users to input their travel preferences, such as destination, trip duration, and if they travel with children, and generate a personalized itinerary with recommended activities, restaurants, and accommodations. The itinerary can be in multiple languages. The app is built with React, Next.js, and TypeScript. It's also designed with Tailwind CSS for a clean and modern look. I'm excited to continue developing this project and making it even better. I'm open to feedback and suggestions, so feel free to try it out and let me know what you think. Thank you for your time and support! Best, Beniamin
Shubham Pratap Singh
Congratulations on the launchπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Matthias Strafinger
As a frequent traveler myself, I love the idea. Congrats on your Launch. :)
Zach Eberhart
Form is broken
Pratyush Atri
Hey, @beniamin_marcu1 I loved the concept and it has lot of potential to become a good product. But I'm not sure if it's just me; it seems like the form is broken because I can't select any options on it.
Beniamin Marcu
@pratyushatri Hi, thank you for your support! What browser did you use?
Beniamin Marcu
@pratyushatri try again, please! Now it should to works fine!
Rupin Mathur
Truly remarkable! 😍πŸ’₯ Wishing you a smashing launch! πŸŽ‰πŸš€