Alexia Tsotsis

TRASH Video Styles - Instant vibey videos


Make and share vibey videos that stand out in seconds. Launching "Video Styles" so you can get the look you want – like recap, story, night out, and even music video(!) – with one tap, powered by AI. Easy, great looking video, just bring your creative spirit.

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Will Allred
Super cool! I remember Armand first showing me this up in NYC. Amazing what the team has done.
Hannah Donovan
Video Styles might look like a simple button, but this is a huge step forward in AI. When you tap a video style button like "classic" or "music video", TRASH is making hundreds of editing decisions from shot type to sequence to pacing to soundtrack to color grading and more… to give you the look you were going for. They're as easy to use as filters, and you because you're the storyteller, you can still customize your vid. With Video Styles, we're also launching a music video style and an entire platform for independent artists to upload their music so they can create their own music videos on a budget – super needed, especially right now!
Love this app, awesome job @armand and team
Jay Kila
This is dope
Nisha Dua
love love love making videos with trash - the new styles feature makes it even quicker.
Basim aman
Any chance of an Android APP ?