Kevin William David

Transpose - Convert site visitors with targeted & personalized content.


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Kevin William David
Segment website visitors based on their their profile, company and anything they do on your website.Use Transpose's dynamic content blocks and visual editor to deliver targeted content at exactly the right moment.Predesigned templates and workflows make it simple to launch a new personalization quickly, even if you don't know HTML or CSS.
Adam Steinberg
@kwdinc thanks for posting!
Karel Vuong
Hey Adam, This looks great! Having gone through Transpose's website, I haven't been able to identify how things like company name, industry, etc., are identified. Does it follow a similar approach to Pardot where a reverse DNS lookup is run on the visitor's IP to see if a meaningful host name can be found? Are there integrations with any marketing automation platforms (MAPs) like Pardot or Marketo? It would be handy to leverage existing data rather than going through and manually creating Personas. Finally, how does this compare with Optimizely? It looks like they are able to perform similar functions in targeting content towards specific audiences based on certain criteria (like Personas). Cheers, Karel
Adam Steinberg
@karelvuong Hi Karel! Thanks for taking a look at Transpose. You got it, we use the IP lookup (kind of like Pardot) to get started. From there, we have some of our own secret sauce to determine Industry, Company Size, etc. No integrations with MAPs, yet! But, we're working on that. Love the idea. (My co-founder and I were both at Silverpop, previously, so we know that space well!) I'm not an expert on Optimizely. All of our customers are using us in conjunction with Optimizely. The big thing is that Transpose provides the Company-level data out of the box, and doesn't require you to buy or integrate any other products for that data. In addition to in-page personalizations, we also make have a variety of sliders, notification bars and popups. These have pre-designed templates that are easy-enough for anyone that isn't a developer to implement in just a few minutes. We also have lots of fun stuff planned that'll be really specific to B2B. Thanks Karel!
Cioaca Virgil
Looks good, but it seems a little expensive.
Adam Steinberg
@virgilci thanks for the feedback! What seems like a fair price point to you?
Adam Steinberg
Hi Product Hunt! Thanks for checking out Transpose. Ever go to a company's website and get frustrated because you can't find what you need? Transpose helps those companies change their website to immediately show the best information to you. B2B companies have been trying to do this for their websites, but most solutions out there require a visitor to already be in your CRM and require a lot of custom coding. Transpose works with any CMS and any visitor on your site. We've tried to make it easy enough so that anyone, without knowing HTML, can create a personalized site in just a few minutes. We have a 30-day trial. Would love everyone to try it out. If you have any questions - please email me - adam _at_ Thanks!
Ryan MacInnes
This is such a simple and brilliant idea, I love it!
Adam Steinberg
@goddamnyouryan Thanks Ryan!